Separating My Boys

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piggles 7000

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 3, 2015
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I really need some advice.I have 2 boars,Basil and Parsley,who aren't getting on.Theyve lived together for 3 years. I had them from rescue a year ago.When I first had them Parsley was in charge but it didn't cause too many problems.They seemed to really settle down and although not really friends they were quite relaxed together.Basil become more dominant but again no real problems.A week ago they both went to the vet for an annual check up.The vet is about 45 mins away so as usual they travelled separately in different carriers as together they would probably fight.
We also had 2 bonded girlie piggies 2 weeks ago but they are in a different room.
Now Basil is bullying Parsley.Parsley has to stay in one part of their (massive)cage.I make sure he has plenty to eat and he has his own water bottle and hidey etc but I'm worried about him and hes so wary of Basil.Ive seen Basil chase and try to bite Parsley and is generally aggressive towards him.I wondered about dividing the cage in half or whether that would still be stressful for them both and separate cages are the only answer.
Parsley seems so down.Hes had a good vet check so I don't think hes ill.
I'm not sure what to do.If I separated then I would get them castrated and a friend each-the girlies could perhaps live with one of them.
I really need some advice.I have 2 boars,Basil and Parsley,who aren't getting on.Theyve lived together for 3 years. I had them from rescue a year ago.When I first had them Parsley was in charge but it didn't cause too many problems.They seemed to really settle down and although not really friends they were quite relaxed together.Basil become more dominant but again no real problems.A week ago they both went to the vet for an annual check up.The vet is about 45 mins away so as usual they travelled separately in different carriers as together they would probably fight.
We also had 2 bonded girlie piggies 2 weeks ago but they are in a different room.
Now Basil is bullying Parsley.Parsley has to stay in one part of their (massive)cage.I make sure he has plenty to eat and he has his own water bottle and hidey etc but I'm worried about him and hes so wary of Basil.Ive seen Basil chase and try to bite Parsley and is generally aggressive towards him.I wondered about dividing the cage in half or whether that would still be stressful for them both and separate cages are the only answer.
Parsley seems so down.Hes had a good vet check so I don't think hes ill.
I'm not sure what to do.If I separated then I would get them castrated and a friend each-the girlies could perhaps live with one of them.

Hi! I am sorry for your problems! It is rather unusual that boars have problems, but perhaps the presence of sows has thrown them?

Here are our detailed tips on how you can evaluate the situation and see whether the bond is truly dysfunctional or whether they still want to be together. Then you can take it from there.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

If you want to split and neuter, please carefully search for a good vet, eitehr general one with plenty of practice in guinea pig neutering or an exotics one with experience in operating on small furries. This is vital in cutting down on the risk of post-op complications (reaction to GA, abscesses). You also have to factor in a full 6 weeks post-op wait until a boar is 100% safe to live with a sow. My Tegan is the unplanned legacy from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post-op boar (not one of mine); it can really happen as late as that!
You will find a list of recommended rescues for bonding and a list of recommended vets we know of included in the link.
Thanks Wiebke! My vet is Simon Maddock who I know is well respected on the GPF.Hes brilliant and why I travel a distance for his help:nod:I will take a look at the bonding section.I'm still learning the ins and outs of piggy communication having always had bunnies before.I think because they are verbal too theres more to learn!
Thanks Wiebke! My vet is Simon Maddock who I know is well respected on the GPF.Hes brilliant and why I travel a distance for his help:nod:I will take a look at the bonding section.I'm still learning the ins and outs of piggy communication having always had bunnies before.I think because they are verbal too theres more to learn!

He is the best neutering vet in our region. I use him myself for anything that surpasses my local general vets and any operations that are not absolute emergency. With him, neutering is definitely an option if you find in a short trial separation that one of your boys is suddenly a lot happier.
Thanks for your help.How long should I try separating them before risking further damage to their bond?
Thanks for your help.How long should I try separating them before risking further damage to their bond?

If a bond is dysfunctional, you should see a marked change in behaviour pretty immediately within a few hour; usually an ovenight separation will give you the answer - especially if you separate with ongoing contact through the bars. They can be separated for up to two days without breaking the bond and often even longer if the bond is a happy one.
Ok thankyou.I will divide their cage overnight and see how they both behave.Its big so they will both still have space.
I THINK we are ok.Basil seems much calmer and Parsley is able to access most of the cage now so it must have been a "temporary tiff"

I will of course keep a very close eye on them.They are due for a clean out tomorrow and I'm keeping fingers crossed it doesn't upset them in any way:roll:I know what to do though if theres any problems.Many thanks again for the help Wiebke:tu:
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