piggles 7000
Junior Guinea Pig
I really need some advice.I have 2 boars,Basil and Parsley,who aren't getting on.Theyve lived together for 3 years. I had them from rescue a year ago.When I first had them Parsley was in charge but it didn't cause too many problems.They seemed to really settle down and although not really friends they were quite relaxed together.Basil become more dominant but again no real problems.A week ago they both went to the vet for an annual check up.The vet is about 45 mins away so as usual they travelled separately in different carriers as together they would probably fight.
We also had 2 bonded girlie piggies 2 weeks ago but they are in a different room.
Now Basil is bullying Parsley.Parsley has to stay in one part of their (massive)cage.I make sure he has plenty to eat and he has his own water bottle and hidey etc but I'm worried about him and hes so wary of Basil.Ive seen Basil chase and try to bite Parsley and is generally aggressive towards him.I wondered about dividing the cage in half or whether that would still be stressful for them both and separate cages are the only answer.
Parsley seems so down.Hes had a good vet check so I don't think hes ill.
I'm not sure what to do.If I separated then I would get them castrated and a friend each-the girlies could perhaps live with one of them.
We also had 2 bonded girlie piggies 2 weeks ago but they are in a different room.
Now Basil is bullying Parsley.Parsley has to stay in one part of their (massive)cage.I make sure he has plenty to eat and he has his own water bottle and hidey etc but I'm worried about him and hes so wary of Basil.Ive seen Basil chase and try to bite Parsley and is generally aggressive towards him.I wondered about dividing the cage in half or whether that would still be stressful for them both and separate cages are the only answer.
Parsley seems so down.Hes had a good vet check so I don't think hes ill.
I'm not sure what to do.If I separated then I would get them castrated and a friend each-the girlies could perhaps live with one of them.