Separating My 2 Female Guineas :-(

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Liz A

New Born Pup
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
We have 2, 3 month old females that have been living together with no problems until this week.
One if them has been very very grumpy. Growling, wiggling her bottom, her head in the air, nipping and today I noticed her spreading her legs, rocking and her hair all stand up on end :-( she seems to be being a bit of a bully-they now are not snuggling together or chatting to each other. What do you think I should do?
They are in their teenage years and are sorting out who is the boss. As long as there is no actual fighting then let them work through it. If you separate them it will be difficult to reintroduce them. Make sure they have plenty of space, separate hidey holes and maybe even two feed bowls and water bottles. Sometimes introducing a neutered boar calms things down if you have the space. Things should calm down as they get older. It tends to flare up when they are in season as well. Good luck
Thanks for your advice :-) yes-i have read about them being in season but it is horrible to watch one being bullied. She just sits there doing nothing and I really don't want either of them getting hurt.
sounds a bit like mine .. came home today to blood... only a small wound but not nice to think they have hurt each other... i put in two hideys, two food bowls .. might put another water bottle in tomo and am thinking of another hay tray as this is when i see them falling out...
Hmmmm, think I may separate them-don't like the sound of where this could all lead :/( luckily the cage has a top and bottom section so they can be apart but still hear each other. Hope yours are ok :-(
If you separate before blood is drawn then you make the process of tying to re introduce them and sort out their pecking order much harder.... For artcasper who has had an actual injury the situation is a little different but if you separate now you might just end up with two lonely piggies.

Leaving them together but keeping watching them carefully and having two of everything gives them the best chance of working things out themselves and for most pairs this is the case. If it's the hay tray they are arguing over then try a second one even if it isn't far from the first one.

They are just young and at this age hormones are raging, compare it to human teenagers, they go through phases of stroppiness and arguing but usually come out the other end. Sows and their seasons make this a more regular affair but it is possible to get through it for the majority of piggies.
I can't bear the thought of mine being separated so am keeping a close eye on them... Going to buy another hay tray tomorrow .... Obviously I don't know for sure if Gladys did hurt Pippin but I can't think how else she would've hurt herself.... But I will double check the cage in the morning...
Hmmmm, think I may separate them-don't like the sound of where this could all lead :/( luckily the cage has a top and bottom section so they can be apart but still hear each other. Hope yours are ok :-(
Thanks... Keep them together for now.... Women - time of the month lol ! As if having a 10 year raging hormonal daughter wasn't enough xx
Lol! Just what I was thinking-got enough hormones in the house already!
Have been down to put in another bowl of food, another water bottle and another hiding place so they have one each and it has got much worse! I watched them for 10 mins and it was horrible. Neither of them are happy. I know it's what they do to sort out who is boss, but I don't want blood!
I can't let them go all night together :-(
Lol! Just what I was thinking-got enough hormones in the house already!
Have been down to put in another bowl of food, another water bottle and another hiding place so they have one each and it has got much worse! I watched them for 10 mins and it was horrible. Neither of them are happy. I know it's what they do to sort out who is boss, but I don't want blood!
I can't let them go all night together :-(
Oh no.... How are they now ? Xx
Well I did keep them apart last night so all was fine. They had some play time together for about and hour in the big run and they were great. I cleaned out their hutch and put the ramp up so they had double the amount if room together. However it seems wherever the less dominant one goes the other follows and starts a fight! So I have split them again :-(
how are you getting on @Liz A ? I found a huge wound on Pippin last night, assumed it was a bite but not 100% even after a visit to the vets :( Just let them have floor time together and it looked liked one was kissing the others body, then she did a tiny little nip.. no other behaviour so i am at a real loss :(
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