Separating bonded groups of piggies

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I have 2 groups of 3 guinea pigs, a group of boys and a group of girls.

Originally I had a male and female (sold to me by a rescue centre as 2 brothers), which then had 4 babies!

Anyway.. They have now been in their groups for just over 2 years. Sadly I'm thinking of offering one or more of them for rehoming as I would love to be able to give each piggie, and my rabbit, more attention. I now have less time than previously because I had a baby in November!

Would it be best to try to rehome them as a group of three or is it ok to give one pig to someone needing a companion for theirs?

Any advice welcome!
If they are happy as a 3 I would try and keep them together, how long have they ben together? It would be easier to seperate the males than the females ans the sows tend to have a much stronger bond. x
It is a matter of personal opinion I think, but it would be a shame to split up the group and it could even result in fighting between the remaining 2, especially the boys! It is more unusual for 3 boars to get along than you might think. If it were me, I would rehome a trio but it would be the girls as a change of surroundings could upset the balance with the boys too :)
I agree with lavenderkade moving boys to new territory can cause problems in their hierarchy if it was me and I had tio re-home it would be the trio of girls. Good luck in your decision.
You are lucky to have a trio of boars living peacefully together :smitten:. Therefore I think it would be a great shame to split them.
I thought about splitting my group up to make it easier for rehoming but then decided to keep them myself so they stayed together as they get strength from each other...

I thought it would be odd trying to give each one my time but to be honest they are more than happy spending the days with each other with me just bringing the food and clean bedding ::) and actually i cant get near them to stroke them so they are more than happy with their group!

If they are happy together then i would bother splitting them up and rehoming them seperately, if you think of it in piggy terms one on one human conact is second sometimes to their own companionship so i wouldnt feel guilty about the amount of time you are spending with them... ;)
I would definately keep the 3 boars togther. It sounds funny but pigs don't need as much 'cuddle time' as you may imagine, they're usually ok as long as they have hay, water, veg, a nice clean hutch and can go out for exercise once a day. I have 11 (plus tons of other pets) and certainly don't have time to cuddle them all every day, they get their wheekly health check on sunday/monday, and get a cuddle then, but otherwise they're happier to chat to me from a distance :)
In a dilemma..what should I do?

Just thought I'd update my original post..and need some advice!
I have a friend who is willing to take on some of my piggies. She lives near me and loves guineas so seems like a good option to let her adopt some. Originally the plan was for her to have the three girls but the other day discovered one of them had a growth that turned out to be a tumour so I can't rehome her :( Then my friend said she would rather only take on 2 piggies, not three.
If I decide to rehome 2 pigs, should it be 2 girls or 2 boys? Could I let her have 2 boys and possibly neuter the remaining boy and put him with the girls?
I know this is not an ideal situation and I want to do what's best for everyone..any advice? Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your sow with the tumour. It is a pity that she can't go with the other two sows also. Hope she will do ok.

It is a difficult one .... neutering is expensive. I paid just under £60 a couple of months ago to have Shaun neutered. I have to say that he was living on his own after I separated him from his brother because Shaun hurt him. Shaun is now living with Princess and Panda, and little Junior (Princess's baby boar) and he absolutely loves it.

Think about your piggies personalities. What in your heart do you think would be best? Sometimes heart and head say different things ... mine usually does!
I'm having a re-think anyway as my friend now doesn't want any guinea pigs, but thanks for the reply anyway! I think I'll hold on and maybe rehome the boys all together, but one of them is ill so have to wait until he's better (the thread on impaction is mine as well!) I'm not really having a good time with guineas at the moment!
Keeping guinea pigs goes like that! rolleyes
I lost Fizz in April, then Rikkyboy in July and Joey, my five year old boar, is still poorly.

Hang on in there, it will get better.

PS. I have posted in your other thread as well.
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