Separating advice please :(

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone, need a bit of advice, i've had bumble and bee for 4 weeks now and they've always got along fine, Bumble seemed to be the dominant one because she got to sleep on the comfy cushion etc and bee followed her everywhere. Lately though, bee seems to be annoying bumble so much, she follows her quite abit and is constantly sniffing her mouth which really seems to irritate bumble. Bumble started butting her away which i would've expected since it is obviously annoying! Bee has got bigger lately and is nearly the same size as bumble, since she has grown, bee seems to rumble at bumble (lol it rhymes) and i think she tries to mount her, they seem to irritate eachother a lot and have even started nipping at eachother (bumble nips at bee when she is trying to sniff her mouth and when she sniffs her bum and bee nips at bumble if she gets too near sometimes) i've checked them both for wounds and they're both fine so no-one has actually bitten yet but I'm worried. I think they do get on well in general, i often find them lying next to eachother asleep and when they're scared they curl up in the same pigloo but they just have these episodes of not liking eachother! They seem to be when they're a bit scared or on edge like when they've just been put back in the cage or when both want the same place to sit, it's strange. I'd like to know your opinions on what this is and at what point i should separate? I didn't think i should yet as they could still be sorting out the dominance thing or maybe one is in heat? But if either gets a wound is that when i should separate? Please help I'm a bit worried and want them to like eachother, they're sisters and are about 11 weeks old.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :(
Love Emma x

P.S they seem to go mad squeeking etc if they cant find eachother, like if we're holding one and not the other, I'm confused!
Hi Emma,

I have two female sisters too and they have episodes of argybarginess! To be honest I've not been worried that much about it, I've just felt they are sorting out what is what. My advice is see how they go, I wouldn't seperate until you are sure that they aren't getting along. Hopefully someone with the answers can advise us! :)

Girls, they get right cobs on! :-D

I know they're so catty! At least boys would just get on with it if they were going to fight then we'd know were we stood! x
Hm, this is tricky. You could try getting two foodbowls, two water bottles, two beds etc., but that could be expensive. Unless they actually start biting eachother theres no real need to sperate them

Rachel :)
They've got two of everything except the water bottle which isnt a problem because they dont drink enough to fight over that, and the cosy cushion but they only use that as a toilet anyway lol, i dont think thats the problem though they dont seem to fight over specific things they just seem to annoy eachother randomly! Yet i've just checked on them and they're lying together! Strange things! x
I've had to give the girls 2 of everything too! They were wheeking tonight at one another but I left them to it. Flora jumps all over Fleur for reasurance I think but Fleur hates it sometimes and wants some space!

Yep that's what mine were like but Bee has become a bit more independent in the last week i'd say and i think she's trying to be the dominant one? I don't really understand what's going on, they're both still pop-corning round like the loons they are so until someone gets hurt i'm leaving them to it, if i see a fight brewing obviously il take them apart, but there's no teeth chattering, its just rumbling and nipping at eachother in what seems to be annoyance, they dont try to hurt eachother, they just seem to be saying 'get off'. Maybe i'm wrong?! Aaa I'm confused lol! x
They sound a bit like my boys. They ahve been out in the run nearly all day today and been fine, tonight back in the cage and John is rumbling all over the place, circling Bob and being a pest and my livingroom stinks of guinea pig with them scenting territory all over the place.
(John has just had his last bath though so maybe that has something to do with it)
But since I put them together, and after the initial getting to know each other, they've had spells where they look like they aint happy with each other and then the next minute popcorning and snuggling up together.
John doens't like Bob sniffing him, nose, bum or anywhere and doens't like him trying to mount him either so that's when he grumps the most.
I suppose they're all different, we'll just have to wait and hope for the best i suppose! x
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