Separating a trio?


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 1, 2021
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I have a neutered boar around 3-4. He's pretty fear-aggressive and my dominant sow in my trio of girls lunged at him when I tried bonding them a few weeks back. I've been debating what to do ever since. Side by side seemed okay for the minute but I'm now concerned about him.
We've been at the vet today, his abscess as a result of his neuter in October is back so he's on a longer course of antibiotics, he was impacted and he's lost almost 200g in the past two weeks. He eats fine, but I'm looking for ways to get him to eat more, and one of the best ways I can see would be to give him competition in the form of a friend. The hope is also that he'd move around more with a friend and it would just overall help him.
So, I'm highly tempted to bond him with just one of my three girls. My most submissive girl stands a good chance I think. They had zero issues with the group bonding and she's by far the calmest pig I've ever owned. But before I try this, I just want to check if this is an okay thing to do. It breaks my heart to separate her from her sisters, they get on quite well, but I think she'd do well with him. Thoughts? Thanks.
I have a neutered boar around 3-4. He's pretty fear-aggressive and my dominant sow in my trio of girls lunged at him when I tried bonding them a few weeks back. I've been debating what to do ever since. Side by side seemed okay for the minute but I'm now concerned about him.
We've been at the vet today, his abscess as a result of his neuter in October is back so he's on a longer course of antibiotics, he was impacted and he's lost almost 200g in the past two weeks. He eats fine, but I'm looking for ways to get him to eat more, and one of the best ways I can see would be to give him competition in the form of a friend. The hope is also that he'd move around more with a friend and it would just overall help him.
So, I'm highly tempted to bond him with just one of my three girls. My most submissive girl stands a good chance I think. They had zero issues with the group bonding and she's by far the calmest pig I've ever owned. But before I try this, I just want to check if this is an okay thing to do. It breaks my heart to separate her from her sisters, they get on quite well, but I think she'd do well with him. Thoughts? Thanks.


Very sorry about the abscess. What antibiotics is he on? If necessary, the abscess may need to be removed operatively. :(

If the quartet is dysfunctional, then it is worth trying the under-sow with your boy to see whether two happy couples will work better. You always have to keep an open mind when it comes to piggy personalities. I have had a few times an under-piggy blossom when away from their more dominant mates - and that has included a dominant mother or sister once or twice.
Thanks. He's on 0.35ml Metronidazole and 0.25ml Co-trimoxazole twice daily at the minute. He previously had surgery back in December to try and remove the abscess but it's still coming back. Here's hoping a longer course will kick it for good.

My hope is that they work well as two pairs, I think he'll likely be quite dominant too. My only worry (if they do indeed work as a pair) was the other two girls missing her or the dynamic being throw off her by her not being there. One is more dominant than the other but they do definitely show more dominance behaviour (occasional rumble struts mostly) towards each other than my under-sow.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see. It would be lovely to see her blossom, crossing my fingers for the best case scenario.
Thanks. He's on 0.35ml Metronidazole and 0.25ml Co-trimoxazole twice daily at the minute. He previously had surgery back in December to try and remove the abscess but it's still coming back. Here's hoping a longer course will kick it for good.

My hope is that they work well as two pairs, I think he'll likely be quite dominant too. My only worry (if they do indeed work as a pair) was the other two girls missing her or the dynamic being throw off her by her not being there. One is more dominant than the other but they do definitely show more dominance behaviour (occasional rumble struts mostly) towards each other than my under-sow.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see. It would be lovely to see her blossom, crossing my fingers for the best case scenario.

Very sorry about the persistent abscess. The sisters will have to re-establish the group without her indeed. You have to weigh up the pros and cons as only you know their personalities and dynamics.
It sounds like a good solution to me and it gives him 3 options of wife. You know your girls but they do like to prove us wrong and what didn't work as a quartet may be a perfect pair. Will they still be neighbours as pairs? If yes then that seems ideal. I wish you luck and my boys send healing rumbles ❤️
Tried bonding him with my submissive girl today. Went okay in the bonding pen this morning, he was awfully chattery and still trying to escape for a few hours but he calmed down eventually and they ate side by side with naps from them both. Moved them into their clean & disinfected cage this evening. My girl had a moment of biting the bars when she realised her friends were on the other side and is preferring to sleep close to them. Not that they seem bothered. 🤣
They've eaten hay together quite happily in the cage. He's decided to be exceptionally dominant all of a sudden though and is frequently chasing and mounting her. She's okay with it for the most part, but it is slightly bordering on excessive. I hope he tones it down! He's been popcorning after mounting her too which is a delight to see. Hard to tell how she feels, I hope she's okay with this arrangement!
Tried bonding him with my submissive girl today. Went okay in the bonding pen this morning, he was awfully chattery and still trying to escape for a few hours but he calmed down eventually and they ate side by side with naps from them both. Moved them into their clean & disinfected cage this evening. My girl had a moment of biting the bars when she realised her friends were on the other side and is preferring to sleep close to them. Not that they seem bothered. 🤣
They've eaten hay together quite happily in the cage. He's decided to be exceptionally dominant all of a sudden though and is frequently chasing and mounting her. She's okay with it for the most part, but it is slightly bordering on excessive. I hope he tones it down! He's been popcorning after mounting her too which is a delight to see. Hard to tell how she feels, I hope she's okay with this arrangement!


If she is tolerating him with his gonads taking over, then the bond is solid. By this stage acceptance has long happened so she should weather it; most sows will do. She will make it clear when she's had enough but it sounds like he is coming out on top of the hierarchy.

Just make sure that there are no dead corners and furnishings with just one exit in the cage - ideally no furnishings at all until your lad has calmed down again.