Teenage Guinea Pig
Peanut has an URI, so the divider went up. They are both in separate 2 x 3s next to each other. Any tips on helping them not be lonely? I have given them both stuffed animals. They can still see and smell each other.
They are biting the bars. How can I make them stop?
Did you have a reason for separating them? If one is thought to be contagious, he should be in quarantine (sep room with full hygiene in place). If not, then why not put them back together?
Do they have other things to chew in their cages?
Take advice from the vet, but if the uri is being treated with abs there may be no need to keep them separate for long. I have a pig with a uri atm and although he's in a sep cage, this is because he's fallen out with his friend. This happened before he got his uri. You want to make sure that they stay friends, so I'd have a word with the vet. Mine was not worried abt cross infection.
They were chewing the divider because Latte is like a big brother to Peanut, and Peanut is always following Latte around the cage. They just wanted to be together.