Separate Or Not?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
West Sussex
I know there are lots of threads like this and I have been reading but would really like some advice on my situation.

I took on 2 8 month old boars about a month ago. They display a fair amount of dominance behaviours as I would expect although from watching some you tube clips they seem to be on the more aggressive side. I have nothing else to compare to. They have periods of time where they seem to get on then others where they seem to constantly argue.

Anyway. I cleaned the cage yesterday and during the evening they had a fight. I didn't see it as I was upstairs but it was so noisy. I ran down and they had already separated but the teeth chattering was louder than ever. As I was going to bed and unable to supervise so I split them, one in the cage and one in the playpen that is attached. This morning I have tried to put them back together and they got very aggressive again. They are even fluffed up, chattering teeth and yawning through the bars.

I don't know what to do. I didn't expect this when I took them on and I don't have the capacity for 2 cages. It isn't very safe for one to be in the playpen as I have a 20 month old daughter who can't be trusted with them and the playpen is open at the top. There has been no actual injury but I don't want to put them together when I am quite certain that will be the result.
You could try a bonding bath?
With boars space is key, the more space they have the better. They need lots of hides and plenty to keep them occupied, loo roll tubes filled with hay make them work for their food, takes their mind off each other.
I have two sets of two boars, one set very well bonded. The others are very young, and there is a bit of dominance behaviour. I think when they get them yawning at each other you might have trouble.
I have bathed them recently as when they came to me their grease glands were very dirty. I thoroughly cleaned the cage before I put them back. I can try and do this again but bathing them together. I am out and about a lot so cant keep an eye on them all the time and I am really worried they will fight when I am not around to separate them. They have lots of toys and stimulation but are in a 4x2ft cage. They have come out for a 2-3hr run in my kitchen every day. In the summer they will have a lot more space but inside for winter that is their set up. I have recently attached a playpen which doubles their space but this is when they started fighting.
I want someone with a crystal ball to tell me if this is going to work out I guess :help:
Hiya, they carnt go back together hun. I had 3 boars (brothers and I had them from 5-6weeks) they were ok for a few months but then I noticed one being left out, a month or so later the teeth chattering started and the strong scenting, little signs of raised heads and showing of teeth etc. I woke up one morning to find the one who had been sidelined had been bitten three times in the night I felt awful. I removed him straight away and in my case I was able to get him another hutch and I boar dated him with a proper rescue piggy (male).
Oreo the one that was bitten is now poorly with a nasty infection the vet said it might be as a result of his bites, if that is the case then keeping them together just that bit longer as I did has cost my £150+ in vet bills this week :( could you look at rehoming one of your boys with a proper rescue or through here, then either taking the other to be nurtured so he can mix with a sow or boar date him as I did with my oreo.
Hiya, they carnt go back together hun. I had 3 boars (brothers and I had them from 5-6weeks) they were ok for a few months but then I noticed one being left out, a month or so later the teeth chattering started and the strong scenting, little signs of raised heads and showing of teeth etc. I woke up one morning to find the one who had been sidelined had been bitten three times in the night I felt awful. I removed him straight away and in my case I was able to get him another hutch and I boar dated him with a proper rescue piggy (male).
Oreo the one that was bitten is now poorly with a nasty infection the vet said it might be as a result of his bites, if that is the case then keeping them together just that bit longer as I did has cost my £150+ in vet bills this week :( could you look at rehoming one of your boys with a proper rescue or through here, then either taking the other to be nurtured so he can mix with a sow or boar date him as I did with my oreo.

That is probably what I would have to do. Keep one and re bond. Really don't know how I would decide which one to keep. I feel awful as I took them in so they wouldn't end up in a rescue!
That is probably what I would have to do. Keep one and re bond. Really don't know how I would decide which one to keep. I feel awful as I took them in so they wouldn't end up in a rescue!
As long as you find a proper rescue that will give you peace of mind he will find another loving home , you could use the rescue locater at the top to find your nearest rescue. Place an add on here too, I can understand how hard it will be to pick but I think that's the only option if you can not find room at home for a second cage/hutch. Keep you posted on how your getting on *hugs*
That is probably what I would have to do. Keep one and re bond. Really don't know how I would decide which one to keep. I feel awful as I took them in so they wouldn't end up in a rescue!

You have done your best, but you are currently up against the big hormones. 8-10 months old is often the trickiest time for same age hormonal teenage boar pairs. :sly:

Let them cool down and do not try another introduction until they are no longer hostile through the bars. The bath is there to rinse out the smell of excess testosterone, which could set them off again.
Sometimes at this tricky time, just cleaning and changing the smell of the cage is enough to spark a new hierarchy dispute. :mal:

Here are tips on staging a re-introduction. Make sure that you have got oven gloves at the ready; bites can permanently damage your hand if go in between fighting or seriously riled up boars.

If your boys won't get on again, then you have got the following options:
- living alongside with interaction and stimulation through the bars
- boar dating and have one boar pair live above the other if that is an option for you.
It is tough for any loving owner to give up one boar, even to a very good rescue, but if you are allowed only two guinea pigs in your flat, then that may be the best way to go to ensure the future happiness and wellbeing of both boys.
- having your boy/boys neutered by a good vet (vital to avoid the risk of especially post op complications) so they can live with a sow each after 6 weeks post op wait until they are 100% safe to go with girls (I have the baby courtesy of a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post op rescue boar). Cross gender pairings are the most stable of them all. Again, would it be possible to have two cages on top of each other?
My sister who is a bit more experienced than me and home in the day, is going to try a bonding bath and see how it goes. At least then we have tried everything. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the support.
Good luck. My 2 boars took a couple of months to settle with a few bonding baths when I made their c&c cage extension (they were in a rabbit 100 ferplast cage, when I re homed them) they still bicker occasionally but I figure it's just boys being boys. As at other times they sit side by side happily and munch hay. A big pile of fresh hay is great as they are too busy munching to fight. Lol. But like Weibke says it's probably hormones at that age. Hope all works out.
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