New Born Pup
Hello I have noticed that whenever I feed my guinea pig carrot or fruit he gets loose stool and squeaks while pooping. This also happened with tomato but I slowly reintroduced them into his diet and now he’s fine with them. But i haven’t had the same result with carrots or fruit.
Back when I first got him I was still not the most educated on a proper diet (I now am) and fed him carrots frequently (without knowing that a carrot is equivalent to a candy bar for them) and he would have soft poops and squeak while pooping. No blood in pee or anything and I took him to the vet and they ruled out any stones or any UTI’s and said he was healthy. following that vet appointment I did my own research and realized that the carrots and fruit could have been causing it. I stopped feeding him carrots and fruit as frequently and almost hardly at all and just recently within the past few months started feeding them again here and there. Every time I do though he gets soft poops and squeaks while pooping. I take him off veggies for 48 hours and then slowly reintroduces his regularly veggies and his poops completely go back to normal and stops squeaking while pooping until i try fruit or carrot again. Should I just completely take away carrot from his diet for good? and maybe fruit too? Is this because since his tummy isn’t adjusted to the sudden carrot and fruit intake it just his gut re adjusting that’s causing this?
Any help or advice would be great !
Back when I first got him I was still not the most educated on a proper diet (I now am) and fed him carrots frequently (without knowing that a carrot is equivalent to a candy bar for them) and he would have soft poops and squeak while pooping. No blood in pee or anything and I took him to the vet and they ruled out any stones or any UTI’s and said he was healthy. following that vet appointment I did my own research and realized that the carrots and fruit could have been causing it. I stopped feeding him carrots and fruit as frequently and almost hardly at all and just recently within the past few months started feeding them again here and there. Every time I do though he gets soft poops and squeaks while pooping. I take him off veggies for 48 hours and then slowly reintroduces his regularly veggies and his poops completely go back to normal and stops squeaking while pooping until i try fruit or carrot again. Should I just completely take away carrot from his diet for good? and maybe fruit too? Is this because since his tummy isn’t adjusted to the sudden carrot and fruit intake it just his gut re adjusting that’s causing this?
Any help or advice would be great !