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Senior Piggy Losing Weight

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New Born Pup
Sep 27, 2015
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Hello, I was wondering if I can have some help with my 4 year old piggy called Porthos. Over the last 3 weeks he has lost 175g, from 1022 to 847. He still loves his veggies and his hay and is still fairly chirpy but he isn't eating his pellets. I have tried given him some mushed up pellets and he has eaten some but he gets really stressed out- as he's not completely used to me and I feel that I shouldn't stress him out further when he is obviously not well. We rescued him and his cage mate 6 months ago, the pair do get on well and don't argue over food at all. I have been researching very heavily and from his symptoms of drinking frequently and weight loss, it's possible that he may have diabetes.
Has anyone had any experience within this area of piggy care and has anyone got any advice to help him? Anything would be appreciated at this stage.
Thank you x
Hello, I was wondering if I can have some help with my 4 year old piggy called Porthos. Over the last 3 weeks he has lost 175g, from 1022 to 847. He still loves his veggies and his hay and is still fairly chirpy but he isn't eating his pellets. I have tried given him some mushed up pellets and he has eaten some but he gets really stressed out- as he's not completely used to me and I feel that I shouldn't stress him out further when he is obviously not well. We rescued him and his cage mate 6 months ago, the pair do get on well and don't argue over food at all. I have been researching very heavily and from his symptoms of drinking frequently and weight loss, it's possible that he may have diabetes.
Has anyone had any experience within this area of piggy care and has anyone got any advice to help him? Anything would be appreciated at this stage.
Thank you x

Please see a good vet to check what is going on, starting with the back teeth to the bum end (impaction). That is a big weight loss. Dropping one food group is always indicative that something is not right. Unless you have a proper diagnosis and can address whatever is causing the problem medically, you won't be able to stop the weight loss or make him better. We cannot replace a vet visit and a proper check with what are at the best wild guesses, considering the vague symptoms. It is most likely that he has either got an issue with a potential dental problem (including a root abscess) or a pain issue somewhere.

Always seek vet care as soon as your guinea pig is losing over 50g (2 oz) of weight in a very short time.
Thank you so much for replying! I will continue monitoring his weight and mood until we can arranged a vet appointment x
Thank you so much for replying! I will continue monitoring his weight and mood until we can arranged a vet appointment x

It is always a worrying time when you are faced with some massive mystery weight loss.

Please also continue to offer syringe feed and water. Hay is making up to 80% of the daily food intake, and he is clearly not eating enough of it, either.
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
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