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Senior piggy going bald!


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 31, 2017
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
Hello everyone,

My lovely 5 year old piggy bramble had a small (5p coin sized) bald patch on her back and after looking closely I could see the skin was flaking a little, but nothing particularly obvious. I suspected ringworm so I treated both bramble and her cage mate with xeno ivermectin, and took her to the vet later that week just to get it checked. The vet suspected either mites which she was happy I'd treated for, or ringworm so she prescribed a course of itrafungol (a week on, a week off repeated for 6 weeks).

Well Bramble is now on the third week of treatment and the bald patch is getting worse- it's now about 5cm across, on one side of her back and I looked closely yesterday to see that the edges are crumbly, the fur in the crust pulls out very easily in clumps. So she's going back to the vets on Monday and they have recommended sending a skin sample off to culture it and see what is going on.

My question is, do any of you have any idea what this could be if she's been treated for both ringworm and mites and it's not clearing up? Another fungal infection that maybe the itrafungol just isn't touching? She's eating, drinking fine, hasn't lost weight and is spayed. Her cage mate is also a senior piggy, she is unaffected by all of this and has a lovely coat of fur. There are no other animals in the house, they live indoors and they're on fleece bedding and have haybox hay.

I'm trying to think of things I can ask the vet as the specialist vet we usually use just doesn't have availability quickly enough for an appointment so I've been using the local vets4pets, however I'm aware they don't have small animal specialists there (they have been very good so far though!). Thanks in advance for any thoughts you might have about things I can maybe suggest to test for/ consider. It's all a bit of a mystery.
The thing to note is that ringworm will not be cured by ivermectin.
Mites will not be cured by intrafungol.

To treat mites it is a course dosed for weight of three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment. (One treatment of xeno is not enough).

Ringworm will also requires a full disinfection programme (with F10) as spores live in the environment, as well as intrafungol treatment.

So you need that diagnosis as to which one it is, if it is either is those, to know with is the right treatment. And yes you are absolutely right; there are other fungal possibilities other than ringworm

Thanks so much for all this! I've repeated the ivermectin treatment on both my piggies this weekend (xeno not available but I managed to get hold of a naqua spot on with a 300mcg dose, was the closest to xeno450 I can find until it's back in stock in april- there seems to be a countrywide shortage at the moment, the vet also said it's unavailable currently. I'm continuing the itrafungol too until she's seen again by the vet this week. She does seem absolutely fine despite the growing baldness bless her!
Keep us all updated we have a guinea at the moment with hair loss suggestions apart from mites/lice etc that have been made are a allergy to bedding so I have started double washing his once in non bio then in just water, low Vit C so I have been introducing grass again slowly and there has been some improvement certainly no worse perhaps worth a try for you too 🤔