Senior Lone Guinea Pig


New Born Pup
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score
I have a senior guinea pig who is at least 6 years old he’s had 3 partners in his life one who died of old age, one died from lethal white disease and one recently who died from a suspected brain disease. The previous two deaths caused him a lot of stress and he would over groom himself almost instantly. So obviously we were expecting that this time however this time his behaviour has not changed at all. He even has been popping a few times which is rare for him. I know the advice is usually have 2 guinea pigs however as he is a senior and has arthritis i am not sure if this is the right step to take with him for many reasons. The main being it could cause him a lot of stress if the guinea pig is dominant and bonding with a young guinea pig is usually the best option so the guinea pig would probably be very playful whereas tommy is not as playful. Another stress for us is continuing the cycle of getting guinea pigs as getting a young guinea pig means inevitably when tom passes away we will have to find another guinea pig. And as he is a senior this could happen any time it could be a few years but it has the potential to be a few weeks and having senior pigs in the past i know you only see signs that they are about to pass quite quickly. Another worry is i currently live with my parents and will be moving out later this year hopefully meaning i most likely will be leaving tom behind with my parents who love guinea pigs just as much as me but are not ready to take on another one for many more years. Sorry for the long message but do you think it is still a good idea to find him a partner considering all this obviously for my sake id love another guinea pig but I am not sure if it will be a good idea. I’ve heard of the option for adopting a partner temporarily but i don’t think i could ever send a guinea pig away after looking after them for so long and not knowing where they are going. Thankyou.
It’s a really difficult decision isn’t it. If only we all had a crystal ball as there are so many what if’s? there is a bereaved piggie on the forum at the moment that has just lost his partner. He’s a single boar too now and around 5 years old and never been difficult to bond. I know the owner is looking to find him a new home and companion. I don’t know if this would be a solution for you both? perhaps you could get in touch via the forum
I’m sorry for your losses.

It’s always difficult when it comes to the end of the cycle - knowing what to do for the best is not easy. Your boy could live another few years which could be too long alone but without crystal ball nobody is going to know! It’s got to be what is right for your boy but you also need to do right by you too.

Ideally, you take on another piggy from a rescue centre to see out your piggy’s life. That piggy then gets returned to the rescue to be rehomed when your piggy passes thus ending your cycle. It wouldn’t necessarily be a youngster either, you may well find another senior who needs a home.

It’s not always going to be possible to do this but it may be worth you giving it some thought, along with your parents if they are going to be the ones looking after them, and perhaps contacting some rescues and seeing if they offer that kind of option.

As long as he is eating and is as well as a senior piggy can be, then you have some time for thinking.
It’s a really difficult decision isn’t it. If only we all had a crystal ball as there are so many what if’s? there is a bereaved piggie on the forum at the moment that has just lost his partner. He’s a single boar too now and around 5 years old and never been difficult to bond. I know the owner is looking to find him a new home and companion. I don’t know if this would be a solution for you both? perhaps you could get in touch via the forum
thankyou for letting me know i’ll have a think about it and ask my parents as at this point it’s ultimately their decision otherwise i’d be already saying yes to this option