About 3 weeks ago I adopted 2 guinea pigs from the SPCA, Lili and Lilou sisters who are 3 years old. I planned to introduce them to my other 3 year old female Lottie but first I wanted to deal with health problems. Lilou has a pea-sized lump on the pinna of her ear (the outside of the soft ear flap), the SPCA vets determined it was an abscess and drained it, but by the time I adopted her it had filled up again with white material and formed a little head that looked like a blackhead. In my opinion, it looks like a sebaceous cyst, the material inside is a cream white and is kind of waxy cottage cheese consistency. My personal vet drained it yesterday and believes it to be an abscess as well. After draining it bled a bit and has since formed a scab, today my vet called me and wants to prescribe a common antibiotic in Canada, Chloramphenicol, but hasn't mentioned anything about me needing to flush the abscess from home. Lilou is a very scared and stressed guinea pig, I've yet to even see her venture out to use the water bottle. I'm worried about possible side effects of the antibiotic and needing to handle her daily to administer it and also give probiotics. Should I proceed with the antibiotic or just treat it like a cyst and wait to see how it progresses like my vet originally suggested before prescribing the meds today.