Scuffle between sows


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Hi all. I apologise if this has been asked a billion times before. Ive read the bonding bits on here but still not sure of this situation.

I have 3 bonded sows (rescued so not known about past history). All has been well so far with the odd dominance behaviour.

Tonight Jasmine was up the loft area (only has 1 ramp) and Cleo went up behind her (Cleo is the dominant one but Jasmine has recently been drrr-ing, bum shaking etc)
I'm not completely sure what exactly happened but I think Jasmine banged her head of the top of the cage, when then all of a sudden Cleo, i dont know if she lunged as such or moved but a squabble kicked off which happened coming down the ramp and into the main area of the cage and Jasmine had a mouthful of hair.
It was over very quickly and they seperate and went and lay down and I seem to be the only one who is shaken up by it.

When walking past each other they both seem a little on edge

I dont know if this means seperate or is this normal?
They are all currently eating veg together.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance
Hi all. I apologise if this has been asked a billion times before. Ive read the bonding bits on here but still not sure of this situation.

I have 3 bonded sows (rescued so not known about past history). All has been well so far with the odd dominance behaviour.

Tonight Jasmine was up the loft area (only has 1 ramp) and Cleo went up behind her (Cleo is the dominant one but Jasmine has recently been drrr-ing, bum shaking etc)
I'm not completely sure what exactly happened but I think Jasmine banged her head of the top of the cage, when then all of a sudden Cleo, i dont know if she lunged as such or moved but a squabble kicked off which happened coming down the ramp and into the main area of the cage and Jasmine had a mouthful of hair.
It was over very quickly and they seperate and went and lay down and I seem to be the only one who is shaken up by it.

When walking past each other they both seem a little on edge

I dont know if this means seperate or is this normal?
They are all currently eating veg together.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance


How old are your sows and how long have you had them for?

Please follow the advice the advice in this guide links here re. 2 days trial separation and then seeing how they are during a formal re-introduction on neutral ground outside the cage.
Bonds In Trouble
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

In my own experience, however, a mouthful of hair is the sow equivalent of a full-on boar fighting bite. When this happened between sows of mine (irrespective of whether they were sisters or unrelated), I have sooner or later always ended up with looking for a separation solution as those tensions won't ever go away and will resurface in full strength at the worst times possible. Once piggies have up made up their mind whether somepig suits or not, they are not going to change their mind again, sadly.
It is however highly likely that these underlying tensions have been simmering under the surface for quite some time and go likely back to before the adoption. This looks like there has been a fair potential of aggro brewing for it to erupt like that; it doesn't normally come out of nowhere in bonded sows.
Cleo is around 3 and Jasmine is between 2 and 3.

They both seem fine together now. It looked as tho they both got a fright and reacted.
Do we still seperate? Who do we remove as there is 3 of them together?

How old are your sows and how long have you had them for?

Please follow the advice the advice in this guide links here re. 2 days trial separation and then seeing how they are during a formal re-introduction on neutral ground outside the cage.
Bonds In Trouble
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

In my own experience, however, a mouthful of hair is the sow equivalent of a full-on boar fighting bite. When this happened between sows of mine (irrespective of whether they were sisters or unrelated), I have sooner or later always ended up with looking for a separation solution as those tensions won't ever go away and will resurface in full strength at the worst times possible. Once piggies have up made up their mind whether somepig suits or not, they are not going to change their mind again, sadly.
It is however highly likely that these underlying tensions have been simmering under the surface for quite some time and go likely back to before the adoption. This looks like there has been a fair potential of aggro brewing for it to erupt like that; it doesn't normally come out of nowhere in bonded sows.
Cleo is around 3 and Jasmine is between 2 and 3.

They both seem fine together now. It looked as tho they both got a fright and reacted.
Do we still seperate? Who do we remove as there is 3 of them together?
Cleo is around 3 and Jasmine is between 2 and 3.

They both seem fine together now. It looked as tho they both got a fright and reacted.
Do we still seperate? Who do we remove as there is 3 of them together?

If there are no noticeable tensions, then it is likely just a reaction to a scare, and an instinctive defence reaction. In this case I would leave them be but keep a closer eye on them in the coming weeks.
If there are no noticeable tensions, then it is likely just a reaction to a scare, and an instinctive defence reaction. In this case I would leave them be but keep a closer eye on them in the coming weeks.
Thank You Wiebke.

Its never happened before and i think we all got a fright.
I will definitely keep an eye on them.