Scruffy's Little Friend!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Our Scruff has been a sad and shy little boy since we lost our beloved Fuzzy. He has just been in his little nest, scared and sad.
We went to P@H today to see if they had any more little rexs and also to tell them about Fuzzy and show them the vets bills (not that I wanted a replacement or anything - Fuzzy is irreplaceable). Anyway we needed an outdoor run. When we got there they only had little girl rexs, so we were going to leave it and try for a rescue piggy, until the girl said that they did have a little boy but he was in the back as he was being bullied and had been bitten ... as soon as she said that I knew he'd be coming home with us! He is all white and looks like a little lamb, or a cottonwool ball! Needless to say we will be keeping a close eye on him and have some ointment for his bite.

Here's Lucky!


Scruffy has been a different piggy, popcorning and whizzing about, much more confident and even taking cucumber from my hand - a total transformation. Here's the little monkey;



And just so they don't feel left out, here's Tiger (not wanting his pic taken!)

And Jeremy sniffing for scoff!

I love my boys! Hope you like the pics, and here's hoping Lucky has some luck and grows into a big healthy boy.

oh thats wonderful news! Hope little Lucky settles in ok! Sounds like it was meant to be :) First pic looks like he's smiling :D

Great pigtures - Your Jeremy looks like my Ruby! ;)
Thanks Piggyloon! I think that Lucky could be a half-brother of Fuzzy as they look so similar. I like to think so!

Jeremy is huge and a naughty boy - got any pics of Ruby?
Hi Katie,

Aww they are gorgeous! Lucky looks such a happy little thing! I love Tiger's colouring! I can't wait until Cuzzy get's like that! :-D

Thanks for sharing!

she told me she's washing her hair that night... sorry Jeremy! ;D ;D ;D

(think she'd be a bit bossy for him to be honest! Jeremy has had a lucky escape there!)

Awww... all your piggies are little smashers!
Awwww I do so hope there is a happy ending here with Scruffy's new friend

I shed tears with you over fuzzy

What a dear little boy Lucky is :smitten:

All of your pigges are gorgeous. I'm glad little Scruffy is happy again now :)
Aw, Lucky is so adorable, Katie! ;D

He is just so cute! It's nice to see photos of your other boys too, Tiger is very handsome!

You have gorgeous boys! :smitten:
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