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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
Scooby: ? - 01.02.2015


We inherited Scooby from relatives who didn't have space for him anymore (apparently there was a Shaggy who died prematurely).
Scooby had the patience of a saint.
Scooby had the ability to get on with cats.
Scooby liked to sleep with his head on his food bowl for convenience.
Scooby seemed like the laziest thing, but in the garden he loved to run, and he was so, so fast.

We always kind of thought of Scooby as a pet for our original guinea pig, Morrissey Bear, who thinks he is a person. Mozzy adored Scooby and fretted loudly whenever Scoobs was picked up for cuddles. I showed Morrissey Scooby's body when he died, because Mozzy is clever and I wanted him to understand. Mozzy tried to wake him up. It was awful. He's not been the same since.
Scooby died because I brought in a third guinea pig, a tiny thing who was bullied and alone, and who brought in an illness. Scooby is dead because I made that choice. Someone else could have taken the other pig home, but I did, because I like the number three. Scooby is dead because I was greedy, and I will remember him, and I will always, always try to remember to be grateful for what I have.
I love that little critter.
I'm so sorry for your loss, he was beautiful. Sleep tight little one x
I am so sorry you lost your special boy. Please do not blame yourself. You were not to know the new piggy would be unwell.
I'm ever so sorry for your loss. Please don't blame your self, you just wanted to give another lonely piggy a loving home, and another friend for your piggies. You are in my thoughts x
I'm really sorry for your loss. Please try not to feel so guitly though. Scooby did not die because you were greedy, he died because sadly bad things happen sometimes. You tried to open your heart to a needy pig, that is an expression of love not greed.
Please do not be hard on yourself about this, it was in no way your fault. In life things happen that we have no control over and this was one of those. Scooby knew love with you and had a great life. Try and focus on the good times, the pain will ease and you will remember the good times, you loved him very much it is clear he had a wonderful time with you.

RIP Scooby
x x
So sorry for your loss. Your generosity to take in a third piggy in no way makes you responsible for Scooby becoming ill. Sometimes these things just happen. I suppose Scooby is sleeping in a big pile of clover now, just for convenience. Sleep tight, beautiful boy.
Just seen this post. Popcorn free little one. Please don't blame yourself.
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