My daughter's school made the announcment today over the local radio that they've closed cos the pipes have burst.
So I've had to take her in to town with me omg what an experience she's conned me out of alsorts lol.
I only went to get some money from the bank and buy some new fleeces to go over the hutches at night and I've ended up buying a bag of sweets, some new wellies, new slippers, a big rodent arm chair (which I didn't even know the curtain shop sold, a subway meal.
Although the arm chair is pretty cool, they did a bed too but it wasn't as cute.
She wants the chair to go in with the girls so they can snuggle up together, I've seen one on here already (I think it was Mrs Wilsoncroft).
So I've had to take her in to town with me omg what an experience she's conned me out of alsorts lol.
I only went to get some money from the bank and buy some new fleeces to go over the hutches at night and I've ended up buying a bag of sweets, some new wellies, new slippers, a big rodent arm chair (which I didn't even know the curtain shop sold, a subway meal.
Although the arm chair is pretty cool, they did a bed too but it wasn't as cute.
She wants the chair to go in with the girls so they can snuggle up together, I've seen one on here already (I think it was Mrs Wilsoncroft).