Scary Father Christmas Thread


Nov 10, 2009
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Christmas, what a beautiful time of year... Time with family, friends, food, drink and of course the of year when a man with a great big white beard gains access to your house through the chimney or a magic key....

Worried? Well you should be! Father Christmas doesn't always look like you expect him too as this thread will attest to....
Let's start us off.

It' Christmas Eve and nothing is stirring but a mouse, oh and this frightening looking chap, best not go downstaris until you are sure he has left....

Those Santa’s are so scary. Bet those kids are all still having nightmares.
That last one is hilarious, that poor, poor child 🤣
Santa and the Easter bunny combo? I am really not sure WHAT that is but it appears to have long ears. Do you remember that episode of Friends with the holiday armadillo?
Santa and the Easter bunny combo? I am really not sure WHAT that is but it appears to have long ears. Do you remember that episode of Friends with the holiday armadillo?

I think it looks less like a bunny and more like a very cranky cat. Or maybe a fox, with the longer muzzle. Do cats have muzzles?
I feel so lucky, I mean I KNOW my mother subjected me to this as a child and I have memories of having to stand outside his little hut many times. But I don’t recall ANY of the actual Father Christmases. They must have been pretty bad to be wiped from memory completely but at least there’s no underlying trauma 😂😂😂
Dunk and beaten up with womens hands :yikes:
For a second, I thought he may be suffering an allergic reaction to his wig - I mean his hair and beard - but then I think he's had a few too many sherries and been caught kissing too many mummies under the mistletoe
I don't remember the Santa's from when I was little but when I was 16/17 I worked in a toy shop. We got a Santa in and he was horrible. Smelt of stale alcohol and made lewd comments about all the young female staff, I refused to work anywhere near him
I don't remember going to see Santa when I was young. But we really didn't have any spare cash to spend on visiting the shopping centre/department store grotto, so we probably didn't get to go when I was young. And seeing these photos, I am actually very relieved.