scared piggies

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ginger piggy


I hope someone can give me some advise on my piggies. I have 2 boars (Rowdee and Gavin) who were 11 weeks old yesterday. They live in a nero 4 and i have had them for about 10 days. They have 2 pigloos, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles and a hay rack. they are quite outgoing and will run about their cage chasing each other and rumbling and strutting about. They are eating and drinking ok.

My main concern is that they seem to get scared and run about at the slightest noise. If i move on the sofa they race about, i crawl past the cage and talk to them softly and they still run off. 8...

I've read all the threads on new piggies and boar behaviour and know i'm probably expecting an overnight miracle but i just want them to be settled and to trust me.

When i first got them i left them alone for 3 days. i've only got them out twice to cuddle and 3 more times to clean them out.
is there anything else i can do or is it just going to take time?

any help would be greatly appreciated

Fran x
It sounds like you're doing all the right things, but these things do take time. You probably don't need to try to keep things quiet - as long as you're not making loads of noise, just get on with things as normal and they'll soon get used to it. You can sit and have a chat to them while they're in the cage which will help get them used to your voice.

Good luck! :)
As far as my pigs are concerned, it sounds normal! My bf sat up and they ran off!

Although they are friendly, they are also nervous little creatures. I am learning! Nero 4 is good too, don't worry!
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