Scared Pig

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New Born Pup
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hi, I have two guinea pigs, Olvier being one of them. He loves to explore and will come to me, but everytime I go to pick him up he runs or everytime I set him down he runs. What can I do to bond with him? I have tried all kinds of bonding excercises but none of them seem to work.
Hi again.

Would recommend what we had to do with Vimto one of our girls as she was very scared. Take them out for laptime using a method in the picking up video I sent to you this straight away removes the stress of picking them up for you and them.. But only have them on your lap for 20 seconds - feed them or offer them a treat like a piece of coriander, then pop them home. Slowly increase the time on your lap to 30 seconds maybe a fortnight later and steadily longer and longer...
Take it very slowly though, it took us around 8-9 months to get Vimto to feel secure and not draw blood by biting me :)) She was a particularly scared piggy, so it can be done but lots of time and patience needed to build up bonds.
Ok, I will try this. I done as the video said and it worked amazing. I will try this also.
I also recommend, when you do try holding him for longer, wearing a cardigan and letting him hide in one side of it for as long as he wants, until he feels safe with you. He'll probably poke his little nose out eventually to see what's going on, but the cardigan over his body will make him feel secure. Worked with both of mine, who now love snuggles.
Hi again.

Would recommend what we had to do with Vimto one of our girls as she was very scared. Take them out for laptime using a method in the picking up video I sent to you this straight away removes the stress of picking them up for you and them.. But only have them on your lap for 20 seconds - feed them or offer them a treat like a piece of coriander, then pop them home. Slowly increase the time on your lap to 30 seconds maybe a fortnight later and steadily longer and longer...
Take it very slowly though, it took us around 8-9 months to get Vimto to feel secure and not draw blood by biting me :)) She was a particularly scared piggy, so it can be done but lots of time and patience needed to build up bonds.
Lee is right. It can take a lot of patience with some pigs. Getting friendly and interacting with humans goes against their natural instincts but you will win them round if you follow the above advice!
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