Scared outside


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 5, 2015
Reaction score
UK, Leicestershire
I see so many people posting photos of their guineapigs outside and it looks like they’re having a great time. About 6 months ago I went to amazon and brought a run. I put in hay, houses water and toys and went to bring them outside (they are indoor pigs) and I left them outside the first time for around 1hour and they ran under a house and didn’t move. I thought they would get more confident the more I left them so I did it every day for around 3/4 days and they never got any more confident. I have since lost one of the piggies so I stopped persisting at it. Now I have gotten Rolo a friend who has so much energy to burn but I know that because he’s a baby if he sees Rolo scared there is no way he’ll venture out. Has anyone got any tips on making them more confident or do I just leave it? They happily wander around if I put them on the floor of the room they are in so it’s not like there not used to massive spaces and I understand that outside could be a bit daunting !
you could try covering half of the run whith a blankent athough make sure it dosnt flap around in the wind as they might think its a preditior
you could try covering half of the run whith a blankent athough make sure it dosnt flap around in the wind as they might think its a preditior
I have a run with a matherial the goes over the top with half of it shaded so that has an effect of a blanket? Unless I should drape it over the sides maybe. I’ll attach a photo.
I have a run with a matherial the goes over the top with half of it shaded so that has an effect of a blanket? Unless I should drape it over the sides maybe. I’ll attach a photo.
oh ok yh you could try drapeing it down the side