Scared of her cage

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Sep 1, 2011
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I have had my Guinea Pig Lacey now for a week and already she has adapted very well, she loves cuddles and running around my living room (when I'm home) and gives lots of kisses etc, however I put her back in her cage last night before going to bed, she seemed ok and was eating her hay then all of a sudden I heard a bang like she had bounced off her cage, I went to investigate and she was hnaging from the bars at the side, she normally runs if I put my hand inside the cage but she looked so scared like she didnt want to be closed in. I'm worried that she will panic too much if left inside her cage while I'm out... and suggestions? :{
Congrats on the new piggy.

Is she a lone piggy? They prefer company of their own kind as they are sociable animals and get very lonely and depressed on their own - well most do, so females are best in groups of 2 or sometimes more, boars can be different.

How big is the cage she is in? They need lots of space and if she feels trapped of confined this may explain the odd behaviour.
Ooh, hope Lacey's ok - never heard of that happening. Normally, if a piggy is scared, they'll take cover in a hidey or something.
Have you considered getting her a little friend ? They love company and nice for you to be able to go out etc. knowing your piggies have each other :))
I know when I had my first girl, she lived alone until we adopted a baby and they bonded immediately - I hated leaving Amelia alone as the other piggies are in pairs :(
Lacey is still probably nervous so with time, will settle. It's very early days yet for her but think about getting another for her to live with.
Hi, thank you for the quick repsonse, I adopted her as she had been fighting with another guinea pig, I have a large cage which is L95 x W57 x H46cm and this is why I let her out when I'm home, I'm just so worried she will fret too much when she has to be in her cage, my living room is an awkward size so getting a run isnt easy, I'm asking my dad to make a double indoor hutch for her.

Do you think she would be better with another Guinea Pig even though she was fighting with the one she was previosuly with, trouble is I dont know if it was her or the other one that was causing the fighting!
Just because she did not get on with one piggy does not mean it would happen again. She will be so lonely alone and afraid too. The best thing is to get her a friend. With shelters they will allow you to take her with you so she can choose her own friend.
I think it would be best to find her a little friend, maybe take her to your local rescue and try and pair her up with a piggy there? Let her choose her own friend, maybe even a nuetured boar would be a good idea. They do like company and with each other to talk to she won't get bored or lonely.
Thank you so much for your advice, I have just contacted a local rescue centre and will take her along, I hate to think she is lonely and scared, she is so loving when she is out of her cage with me.:))
Ive just called the place where I adopted her from and it was Lacey who was attacking the other piggys so probably not a good idea to get her a friend, they suggested changing her routine so she knows that when she goes in her cage thats where she needs to stay until the next morning. I guess I will have to try that as I dont want to get another poor little piggy hurt :(
That place sounds like they do not know what they are talking about! She does need a friend and just because she does not get on with one piggy does not mean she will not get on with any. That is not true at all. When I got my Sophie she had lived alone all her life. She did fight with my girls at first and now she is so happy and will kiss them.
We were told our Gertie did not get on with other pigs and should live on her own. Now she is top sow in a herd of 8 (soon to be 9 again).

I would take her to the rescue you have contacted and see how she gets on with other pigs there.
Just trying her with other piggy's wont do any harm, please take her to a rescue and try to find her a friend, maybe a nuetured boar....
I think sow dating sounds like your best option. Just because she attacked another piggies does not mean she will do it again. Some piggies, just like people, do not get along x
Thank you all so much, I just want her to be happy, if I could I have have an entire home of animals....

I'm waiting for them to get back to me and I will take her, nothing to lose and if she does get on then I guess I have another piggy....not complaining though, she is adorable and she is very fussed and spoilt x
In the mean time why you wait could you not put a cardboard box in her cage for he to hide in, when she has had time to adjust to her surroundings she will venture out of it when she realises that there is nothing to be afraid of. You could also get a cosy which is like a small sleeping bag, she could sit in that on your knee and then you could transfer her inside it into her cage, that may work too.
She has a little house inside her cage and a snuggie, I got loads for her when I got her and she has been find up until last night, I'm going to move my living round so I can make a pen for her under the eaves of my flat which will give her the freedom to run and play while I'm at work.
I have had a call from the RSCPA, they are going to do a home visit them I'm taking Lacey to introduce her before bring her a friend home, thank you all so much for your advice, it really helped xx

Yay! Hopefully the set up you have will be big enough to house 2 pigges (min requirement is 2ft x 4ft for 2 piggies)

Good luck! x
They will have more than that, I'm giving Lacey practically one side of the eaves.... bless her, I only use it for storage but she deserves it and I want her to be happy, Ive spoken to a lovely lady at the RSPCA so hopefully she will have a friend very soon, his name is Porky Pig, is alone and needs a lady friend, hopefully it will be good for them both if they get along...

I'm very excited now x :))
I know most people think they need to be with others but I dont agree and hope I dont get yelled at for my opinion.

I had a guinea pig along with a couple of others years ago that did not get along with others. She had to be in her own cage on her own.She had her own territory and I suppose she got used to being alone. I have one on her own now.(skinny pig) . She gets a lot of time and attention though from three of us living here.I hate to say it but I believe that they do get used to being on their own and dont have the thought process to lay there and actually "miss" another piggie.It is what they get adapted to I suppose
I know most people think they need to be with others but I dont agree and hope I dont get yelled at for my opinion.

I had a guinea pig along with a couple of others years ago that did not get along with others. She had to be in her own cage on her own.She had her own territory and I suppose she got used to being alone. I have one on her own now.(skinny pig) . She gets a lot of time and attention though from three of us living here.I hate to say it but I believe that they do get used to being on their own and dont have the thought process to lay there and actually "miss" another piggie.It is what they get adapted to I suppose

No one has said guinea pigs can never live alone, but generally speaking they like compnay of their own kind, yes some do live happily on their own but not all pigs do. And if pigs are used to company and bond with a pig, they will grieve and miss the other pig when for whatever reason it is not there, i have seen this first hand and although it was very said i found it very sweet, piggies do have feelings just like us when it comes to companions, i know it sounds ridiculous but it is true.

It is ok having a lone pig if you have the time to be able to give it constant attention, but not everyone does, i couldnt imagine any one of my piggies living alone, they go insane if they cant all see each other.
No one has said guinea pigs can never live alone, but generally speaking they like compnay of their own kind, yes some do live happily on their own but not all pigs do. And if pigs are used to company and bind with a pig, they will grieve and miss the other pig when for whatever reason it is not there, i have seen this first hand and although it was very said i found it very sweet, piggies do have feelings just like us when it comes to companions, i know it sounds ridiculous but it is true.

It is ok having a lone pig if you have the time to be able to give it constant attention, but not everyone does, i couldnt imagine any one of my piggies living alone, they go insane if they cant all see each other.

I have read on this site to the affect that they should not be on their own. I know they have feelings. I never said they didnt have any feelings. There are other animals like dogs for instance that are basically a "pack" animal and would love to be with their own but many many people have only one. They go to work etc etc and have just one. They do adapt to the routine and the attention from their human companions. I have found that with guinea pigs they are more friendly to humans when they dont have another companion to run to. This is just my experience I have had first hand. Some people can only afford one or only afford a cage for one. Two need more space and food. I dont presume to tell someone they have to get another animal whatever kind it may be.I dont know their circumstance's
I think she does miss having someone or another piggy around, when I played noises of you tube so I knew what she was saying she starting whheking really loudly and wanted to almost get inside the laptop, I'm waiting for a home visit from the RSPCA and then I will take her down there and see how she gets along with another piggy, hopefully she will be fine and I would feel alot happier knowing she had company whilst I was at work, at the moment I leave the radio on so she has background noise and she has a huge space to run around in, will keep you updated about her progress with hopefully a new friend soon.
I have read on this site to the affect that they should not be on their own. I know they have feelings. I never said they didnt have any feelings. There are other animals like dogs for instance that are basically a "pack" animal and would love to be with their own but many many people have only one. They go to work etc etc and have just one. They do adapt to the routine and the attention from their human companions. I have found that with guinea pigs they are more friendly to humans when they dont have another companion to run to. This is just my experience I have had first hand. Some people can only afford one or only afford a cage for one. Two need more space and food. I dont presume to tell someone they have to get another animal whatever kind it may be.I dont know their circumstance's

We advised on getting a companion for her piggy, if beebs had of come back saying funds wouldn't allow it etc then it would not have been persued, we are here to offer advice and support to the members, we havent told her she has to get a new pig or else! Beebs i think will back me up when i say we only suggested it and she was grateful for it and is looking forward to hopefully introducing a friend to her piggy.

We weren't bullying Beebs, or backing her into a corner over it, it was just advice, as with all members who say they have "A" pig.

As far as the dog thing go's that is a differnt sotry entirely to be honest, so i wont even go into it.

Thank you for your idea's and opinions.
Hi, just reading back the comments to my post, I wouldnt get another piggy if I didnt feel I wanted to, I certainly wouldnt commit knowing I couldnt afford it but luckily I can and I want to get someone for Lacey, I would feel a lot happier knowing she had a friend to play and snuggle with, she is very loving with me as her owner and always popcorning and talking to me but I'm hoping she gets on with the male piggy I'm introducing her too from the RSCPA once the home visit is done.

I'm very gratfeul for all advice I get on this site, it is fantastic and Ive learnt so much considering Ive never had a guniea pig before, I feel I know a great deal now and will continue to come back for advice, even if its for the little things.

I just want Lacey to be a happy girl xx
I think she does miss having someone or another piggy around, when I played noises of you tube so I knew what she was saying she starting whheking really loudly and wanted to almost get inside the laptop, I'm waiting for a home visit from the RSPCA and then I will take her down there and see how she gets along with another piggy, hopefully she will be fine and I would feel alot happier knowing she had company whilst I was at work, at the moment I leave the radio on so she has background noise and she has a huge space to run around in, will keep you updated about her progress with hopefully a new friend soon.

i tried the you tube piggie sound thing with my Pixie and she didnt even notice the sounds and I played it right next to her cage..Good luck on getting a new pig anyway.
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