Scared Guineas?

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New Born Pup
May 29, 2016
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Hi all, I'm new here so am unsure if this is the right place to post this. I'm just after a little advice really. I'm a relatively new pig owner, I adopted my 2 boys from an ex-coworker. Obviously I've been learning their behaviours and to start one of my boys Tootie was very curious and nosey and the other Fruity stayed back and out of things. Since having them they have progressed really well and Fruity is so nosey, coming over to see what I'm doing, Tootie has gotten a bit naughty chewing on the bars for attention and pulling them as he is impatiently waiting for his dinner, but he is cuddly and gives kisses so I will let him off for being a little naughty.

Ultimately they are playful and are always running around the hall when I let them out in the evening. Tonight though, or rather today they have been acting very differently. Next doors (horrible) cat got in the house this afternoon. I'm not sure how long it was in as I was out in the garden. I got quite the fright. However since then my boys have been hiding in their bed. I opened their cage up and got Fruity out, generally he only lets you cuddle for about 2 minutes before nibbling to be put down, today he sat for a good 15 minutes with no bother. Tootie was a bit cautious but he came over to try and get out. He was cuddled next, so generally they seem fine, no injuries from what I can see. Usually when I open the cage door for them they hop straight out and run about jumping and squeaking all over the hall. They hopped out after a few minutes and spent a minute or two walking beside the cage, now they are back hiding in their bed, which is completely out of character as usually when I exit the kitchen they are sitting at the door waiting to see if I have any food for them. I'm just curious as to whether this is something that will pass, as they have had a shock or if it is something a bit more serious? I have been checking on them all day and they seem fine just scared/nervous?

I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for trying to get them back to themselves or anything I could try as I want them to feel safe again and know that they can relax and not be so nervous.

Any help and advice is appreciated.
What a shame, poor piggies. Did the cat get to them? Or was it just near them? I think it's just a case of they've got quite a scare so are being nervous and anxious.. I'm sure it'll pass, just keep talking to them and offer some treats from your hand and I'm sure they'll be back to normal soon enough. :nod:
What a shame, poor piggies. Did the cat get to them? Or was it just near them? I think it's just a case of they've got quite a scare so are being nervous and anxious.. I'm sure it'll pass, just keep talking to them and offer some treats from your hand and I'm sure they'll be back to normal soon enough. :nod:

Thank you for the reply. I'm not entirely sure if it did anything, which is the annoying part about it. I have their cage under the stairs in the hall as they have free run of the whole space when the living room and kitchen doors are closed. They were in their cage so thankfully they had a bit of protection. I'm just wondering if it tried to get its paws through, and being the nosy boys they are maybe they were a bit curious. They always come over to have a sniff of the hamster when he is up and about, so I hope they had the sense to dart in their bed to hide. I'm going to give them their bedtime nibbles so will see if they hop about and climb all over my legs. I do hope they will be okay. I will keep trying the treats and talking to, and see how they go.
Have you checked them for any scratches or anything? I think they've just got a fright and it'll just take some time to trust again. Poor pigs, the first time mines met my 9 year old niece they were traumatised for days after, she's a walking tornado :P
Not as such, I gave them a quick once over when they had a cuddle afterwards and couldn't see anything. Though I might give them another look in the morning just to be sure. Its really annoyed me as its taken me since I got them in January for Fruity who was as antisocial as they get to come over to me so I can either kiss his nose end or scratch his head, we had been making progress. So hopefully it wont take long. Haha aw bless, thankfully I have no nor know any small children, its mostly just my aunt and my mum when they visit who annoy them with their fussing hahaha
I know what you mean, it took me about 6 months to get Toast to trust me (she came from a very bad home) then when she had a dental procedure done under anesthetic and I got her back home... She was back to her anxious, nervous self and I felt horrible for her, it was like she didn't trust me. But after a few days of me grovelling for forgiveness by offering carrots and pepper from my hand, and talking to her, she came back around to trusting again. Your piggies will be anxious after what happened but just persevere and they'll soon come back out their shells (offering their favourite veg couldn't hurt either :cool:)
Aw bless. I shall keep at it, and keep the doors in the house shut; that or hose the cat next time I see it. I shall get them all their veggies and fruit, might even grab them a chunk of melon. I hope it doesnt take long. I might get the carpet cleaner out to see if I can get rid of any cat smell. They are horribly spoilt.
I agree they're probably just a little spooked. They will come around don't worry. Yummy veggie treats are sure to be a winner! :)
Aw bless. I shall keep at it, and keep the doors in the house shut; that or hose the cat next time I see it. I shall get them all their veggies and fruit, might even grab them a chunk of melon. I hope it doesnt take long. I might get the carpet cleaner out to see if I can get rid of any cat smell. They are horribly spoilt.
I hope they appreciate how spoilt they are! :D
Love the names. Check them over for physical damage but sometimes the emotional stuff takes a while to get over. One of my shy rescues who will take food from me but in 3 years hasn't allowed me to pet her without having her secure in a blanket or towel looses trust completely when we go to the vet and stops even taking food for a few days.
If they aren't puffed up and in pain I would give it a few days for them to regain confidence
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