Scared Guinea Pigs

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New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2014
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I'm a new guinea pig owner so I have no idea what to do...
Basically we recently got our guinea pig about 4 days ago. My dad and sister was the ones to get them. I wasn't home at the time so my brother and sister kept 'playing' with them.( i know you are supposed to leave them alone on their cage for 48 hours before picking them up and/or doing stuff with them so they get used to their new home.) Now they are really scared of all of us and runs whenever we even get close to they hutch. I really worried. Is this normal and what should I do ?
Not to worry. Even if you had waited 48 hours it would not have made much difference. You have only had them a short while and it takes quite some time for them to settle and realise you're not going to eat them.Have a read of this sticky Also, @sport_billy has an excellent video showing how to pick up piggies using a conveyance rather than your hands. I've had my 2 boys for over 3 years and they still don't like being picked up though they're fine once I have them. And although they don't run & hide anymore every time I approach their cage, they do when there are strangers in the house or a noise startles them.
Wait a while gradually they will begin to get more used to you guys, I've had my girl pigs for 3 years and they are still very skittish of me whereas my boys always pop there heads out to say hello, feed them veggies from your hand and soon enough they will start trusting more.
Yes my guinea pigs took almost 2 months with daily handling ang veggie treats to come out and not be scared. Please note that guinea pigs are so much braver when kept in groups
Hi, we have had our girls for three months and two of them are still really shy and easily startled. I always talk to them as I approach their cage and try not to make sudden movements. They hate being picked up, but once up they like to be held and brushed gently.
You will find loads of very good advice on this forum, so don't worry! Patience and a calm and gentle approach will eventually help your new arrivals to get used to their new surroundings. Best of luck, and most of all ENJOY your lovely new pets.
The environment in which a piggie lives can have an effect on his/her personality in later life. My girl, Bonnie, has lived in a large well-lit enclosure ( the spare room) since she was very young and I can stroke and pick her up without having to chase her. Clyde, whom I got at the same time as Bonnie, had to live in a big dark hutch until he was big enough to be neutered. He is now 4 years old and still very wary of me. Darkness breeds shyness. When keeping guinea pigs, the three watchwords to remember are: Slowly, Gently, Quietly.
its entirely normal. its just the piggy personality, when i got wicca, i had her out while i set up the cage, she didnt move, at all. but turtle, i had out for cuddles, and she was running around investigating. it depends on weather they were socialized before. and the piggy personality. but it is also very normal to worry about this sort of stuff.
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