Junior Guinea Pig
My guinea pig Pepper is on Baytril for 3 weeks because of a uri that won’t go away. Her symptoms are whistly breathing and a runny nose and eyes. The Whistling is on and off but happens throughout the day. She seemed to get better( before she was hooting and coughing and sounding very congested) but the whistling breathing remained so the vet suggested more antibiotics. My other guinea pig Rexy is also being treated for a uri as she has a persistent runny nose and crusty eye. Rexy has improved a little bit but Pepper is yet to, and i’m terrified that it’s a heart issue. The vet explained the possibility of it but said it would be a very rare case as my other guinea pig has a uri, and similar symptoms. The vet also said her heart sounded fine, but i’m still paranoid. Pepper has lost a little bit of weight and is squeaking less, but i put that down to the effect of baytril, and also she tends to squeak less if i give her constant attention, which i have been doing because of them both being ill. She isn’t lethargic but comes up to the cage door less. I’m so scared about heart issues!