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Scabs possibly from fighting - Trial separation warranted?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 16, 2020
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Hi TGPF - We've noticed a few scabs on Bluebear recently after him and Walker, our other, younger boar, had a small fight a few nights ago - When we originally checked them both over we could see no wounds, however we found a few scabbies on Bluebear which has us worried for their bond.

As we've gone into spring, both Bluebear and Walker have been fine in regards to the following:
  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Weight
  • General behaviour
  • Activity in relation to their other pig
However Walker seems to be having a significant testosterone spike due to the spring season, and, whilst he hasn't been humping Bluebear 24/7, he has been butting off against him, chattering, having nose-offs and, on one occasion, leapt at Bluebear where we intervened to check for wounding.

Other than this, however, they have been generally fine with each other, and are more than happy to sit next to one-another under the same hidey, and eat from the same bowls / hay boxes, despite having their own dedicated ones on each side of the cage respectively. They also aren't preventing the other from eating or drinking, and both groom in the others' presence.

Would the images attached warrant a trial separation for a few days? We did this before during Walker's first tiff with Bluebear and they seemed to want to be together, but we don't know the 'severity' of this occasion. Also we have disinfected the wounds / scratches.


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