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Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hertfordshire and Leeds
organ my pregnant piggie has got scabs, not that many and also no hair-loss, there are a few dandruffy bits though. I have not seen her scratching. She was still in with her male cage mate but has been seperated today as i can now feel the babies moving. Do you think she needs a trip down to the vets or do you think the scabs could hae been caused by him or just coz shes pregnant I'm getting worried coz i dont want her stressed out although she seems pretty chilled.
have had no experience with this but perhaps take pictures and send them to christine at gorgeous guineas. sending hugs to you and healing vibes to organ :smitten:
:smitten: :smitten: hoping organ gets better O0
Do they look like bite wounds? If not it could be mites or something else - I agree, Chrissie should be able to take a look at a pic for you, might be some treatment that's ok for pregnant sows

Sorry its Morgan not organ lol. I'm not sure if they are bite wounds or not. I will try and get a pic done. Ages ago i had a pig who had mites or lice (can't tell the difference) and she was itchy and had a bald V shape on her back where she had scatched, i don't think morgan has this. I don't think Morgans scabs could have been caused by her scratching because of where they are i don't think she could reach to scatch or bite especially with the baby bump. Do any paracites or skin conditions cause scabs without the pig making them by scratching or biting themselves?
You can see running lice, like little wormy things, with the naked eye, but you can't see mites unless under a microscope I think! Not sure about other skin conditions, these are the only ones I've experienced! Hopefully someone else will be able to help if you can post a pic

fungal causes scruff and dandruff? Could it be this.
If it's fungal the hair will fall out if you tug on it. It should also come off with some of the scruff attached to the roots.
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