So long story short one of my boy guinea pigs was making a moaning noise when scatchinv his back and he would do it a lot. He pulled a little bit of hair out there too. He hated me touching anywhere near it even tho his the most loveliest guinea pig he loves affection normally, he would go for me. Tried mite stuff and it’s still uncomfortable. So took him to the vet. Not gonna lie the vet was useless. He had no clue. He did manage to show me he has very Flaky scabby skin under his fur (my pig won’t let me look without going for me) He checked for ringworm.mites and brushed through his hair with a metal brush. He gave me painkiller metacam and antibiotics incase it’s bacterial and told me to use mite stuff in a weeks time after. He loved the pain killer and I haven’t heard him scratch as much, he still has now and then but his skin is still super scabby and sore. I’m not sure what else I can do. Is there anything I can try to moisturise his skin with. ( his in our bedroom and we’ve got a dehumidifier for the dampness)