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Scab on piggie's back - not sure if ring worm or mites?


New Born Pup
Mar 28, 2024
Reaction score
Hey all,

I've found a scab on my piggie's back (left hand side just after her front leg) and not sure what it is. She's had a few ringworm breakouts in the last few months, but has been in the clear for ~3 months now. I've noticed she's itching this spot a fair bit & also has dandruff throughout her coat which is making me think this could be mange mites. Her cage mate (also female) had a similar scab a few months ago but the vet suspected it was just a bite.

Welcome any thoughts on what this might be (see attached photo) please :) will book her in with the vets after BH weekend too.Guinea pig scratch.webp
Hey all,

I've found a scab on my piggie's back (left hand side just after her front leg) and not sure what it is. She's had a few ringworm breakouts in the last few months, but has been in the clear for ~3 months now. I've noticed she's itching this spot a fair bit & also has dandruff throughout her coat which is making me think this could be mange mites. Her cage mate (also female) had a similar scab a few months ago but the vet suspected it was just a bite.

Welcome any thoughts on what this might be (see attached photo) please :) will book her in with the vets after BH weekend too.View attachment 249350


Please see a vet. We cannot diagnose reliably just from a picture without a hands-on examination and a proper view of the location on the body.

The bite craters in the skin point towards mange mites but please do not home treat on spec with pet shop products. They re not really geared to cut through a full-on infection. It is much more efficient to hit them with a vet strength product once you have your diagnosis.
New piggy problems: URI - ringworm - skin parasites

All the best.