Say hello to Our Piggies (first pics on the site)

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
South Coast, UK
I've done it! (I think :-\)! Here are some pics of our four guinea pigs, Molly, Smudge, Bella and Truffle.[/IMG This one is of poor Molly when she broke her toe and the vet bandaged her up to try and help it mend (it didn't, but Molly was a very brave girl).

Oh dear, somethings gone wrong. Haven't used photobucket before, hopefully these are teething troubles. Will keep trying. Is photobucket the only way to load piccies on the site?
gingerpig said:
I've done it! (I think :-\)! Here are some pics of our four guinea pigs, Molly, Smudge, Bella and Truffle.


This one is of poor Molly when she broke her toe and the vet bandaged her up to try and help it mend (it didn't, but Molly was a very brave girl).

Here is one of Smudge when she was quite new!

You missed off a bracket! ]

LOL Lovely!
awww, look at that little bandage that's so cute! hope her foots ok now. ;)
Real cute pigs
they look really sweet but only 2 of them have loaded if you did all 4

well done on the photo bucket bit takes a while but you did it ;D

Molly is gooorgeous! She looks so sweet! Lovely piggies! :D :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I can see some study material on guinea pig on your left! Impressive! Does Molly have cream-colored hair on her body? She looks so pretty. :smitten:
Molly is white underneath.

Her little foot didn't heal so she has a toe stuck out at a right angle. It doesn't bother her at all, it never has, I was just worried she might catch it and tear it. She's not seemed to be in any pain with it. We now just have to be really careful with her!

Thanks for the nice comments!
Awww Molly is adorable, what a beautiful colour and she looks so sweet with her little bandage, though obviously not a good thing she had to have it on...
Gorgeous guineas you have :smitten:
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