saw my Dr today

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Jan 23, 2006
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she confirmed what I already knew that the scan showed 2 fibroids , do you want to be referred to a gynacologist for him to sort it out for you she said, heck no I said I'm already seeing a rhumatologist and a neurologist I dont want no more" ologists" checking me out thankyou very much, so shes agreed to see if she can help me out with tablets first,
I hope that it all gets sorted out for you and you don't have to have anyone else checking you out xx
Blummin ek, what did you do in a past life?! I don't know what fibroids are but the word gynacologists sends shivers dowm my spine. Have you tried any type of complimentary therapies to go along your conventional medicine?
I am an absolute believer in it where as I was a sceptic before. 1 session of Spiritual healing & reiki got rid of postnatal depression which I had been suffering with for a year. I know of people who have similar problems to you who's symptoms have been siginificantly reduced.
Worth a go?
OOhhh sorry to hear it Michelle, hope you feel better soon. Know what you mean about the 'ologists'! ;)
I like to believe I left the gynacologist behind 11 years ago after the birth of my last child lol,
my health since i hit 40 5 years ago has gone downwards non stop,
diabetes type 2
stomach Ulcers
high blood pressure
high colesterol
arthritas Chronic degenetarive,
underactive thyroid
IBS since age 21
they thought i had MS but its motor neurone problems mainly in my right arm still having tests but its very weak,
spondelothesis in my lower back,

think thats it, must have been bad in a previous life I guess
mind you quite a few of them are heridetery mainly mums side as i keep reminding her
I too am a big fan of complementary therapies, maybe a homeopath could help you? Though there may not be one on the island?

yes there are amazingly quite few complimentery places on the Island, including chinese medicines but if they offer me tigers willy or something they will get a big argument which wont help my ulcers lol
poor you
you have really been through the mill. hope they get you sorted soon

and lets hope 2007 will be great for all of us

big hugs Karen
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