Saved A Guinea Pig's Life, In Need Of Tips And Advice

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New Born Pup
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Hello, everyone! I've recently joined the forums as a new guinea pig owner and I need some help.

On Christmas of 2013, my neighbor has given me an 8 month old, male, guinea pig as a present. She received him from a friend of hers. I named him Ty (pronounced as "tie"). I asked her about his history and what she has told me was no good. The previous owners severely neglected him. He was starving, had no water, barely had any bedding in the cage, and was left in a dark basement all alone, slowly dying. They never trimmed his nails, as they're curled and makes it hard for him to walk. He was shaking really bad and was terrified when we first got him.

Hearing this, I was very glad they gave him to me as he will live a better life in my home. As of making this post, he just turned 9 months old and we've had him a little over a month.

This is where I'm in need of advice. Although I do my best to take care of him, he is still in need of things. His cage they gave us is way too small (1.5x2.5 feet) and we just moved into a new home, therefore, there is no room for us to put a bigger cage until things are sorted out.

I am quite aware that guinea pigs need to be in a group of AT LEAST 2, but again, our cage is too small. Ty is falling into depression and me being the owner of him isn't enough company.

His nails need to be trimmed, I would do it myself but he is way too jumpy and is still scared of me. I'm too scared I'll hurt him.

So here are my questions:
1) Until our house gets straightened up, what are some things I can do so Ty isn't in that small cage all the time?
2) What are some things I can do to help Ty cope with his loneliness until I get a second guinea pig?
3) On average, when should I get his nails trimmed?
4) What are some good things Ty and I can do together to bond?
welcome to the forum.

He sounds like he's had a rough time of it, good on you for taking responsibility for his care :)

I can't give you any advice I'm afraid as I just manage the technical side of the forum, but I'm sure a member will be along to give you more specific advice shortly.

We have a few guides, I appreciate they won't answer all of your questions specifically;

Settling a new/shy guinea pig

On guinea pig companionship

Nail Cutting

I'll edit this post as I locate them
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Hello and welcome. First of all thank you for taking such good care of your new boy and asking on here on how to get him a better life. I'm sure he will adore you as his new piggie mother soon.

1, There's two options I can think of here. One, is if you build him a CC cage. I know you said you cannot get a new cage, but the beautiful thing about CC cages is you can build them any size, height or shape you want! So it can be along the wall of a room or made upwards etc. Any way. If you still don't think you can do that as a cage then I would suggest taking him out daily for some bonding time with you and possibly letting him run around a room in your house if this is possible. On this thread you will see a vast amount of different made CC cages. :)

2, for loneliness, I suggest getting him some stimulating toys. Get him a soft plushie or sock or such thing for him to possibly cuddle up to and try and take him out to bond with him or sit and talk to him, offering veg through the cage bars.

3, I tend to just cut them whenever I see they look too long. A good tip to cutting them is putting some veg in front of the guinea pig while you try to cut the nails. Take the foot in your hand and lightly press down on the nail. If the piggy yanks the foot back in pain, you know you are too far down and just move it slightly further up the nail. Once he no longer yanks it back when you lightly squeeze, you will know you aren't cutting the kwik? (sorry can't remember the name of it) and you can cut and he won't bleed.

4, Any amount of food bonding. Having him on your lap or in a snuggle cosy and offer him food. Offer him food through the bars so he can take it from your fingers. Just sit there and talk to him by the cage.
Thanks so much for the replies! I guess I just have to be more patient when it comes to bonding. I also plan to get his nails trimmed in a few days!
You're welcome. :)

Patience is definitely key. It took one of my boys just over a year to feel brave enough to let me just reach in a pick him up without even a fuss yet another of my boys (the one in my avatar) it took just a week before he was taking food from my hands and happy enough to be with me without running. It depends on the piggie.
Hi Welcome to the forum..

We have attached a thread for food combinations..

As a rough guide a piggie needs unlimited hay at least 80% of their diet 5 % good quality nuggets and 15 % veggies with at least 1 rich in vitamin C ..

If your piggie has not had lots of veggies introduce slowly to avoid tummy upsets..

Please ask any other questions you may have by starting a thread in the appropriate section..

Again :wel:to the forum, well done for rescuing Ty..
Hello and welcome. Echo the advice given above. Just remember that piggies are prey creatures and naturally very nervous, add to that the fact that your little chap has had a bad start and that it will take time for him to trust you and bond with you. Patience, kindness and food bribery will all work wonders. BTW I get my OH to hold piggies while I am clipping claws, it helps to keep them calm.

If you're too scared to cut his nails a vet can do it for a small fee - also give TY plenty of things to keep him occupied
ie: make shift toys filled with hay, paper bags and also toilet rolls stuffed with hay

Toys would be great for him too! A guinea sized toy and also a mirror so he can admire himself and all his guinea beauty!
With the toy you'll find he'll probably end up humping it ;P

Bonding - hand feed his nom noms and also if you want a cuddle after he's settled in get a snuggle cosy for him to climb in and it'll give you a chance to bond and he'll feel secure

Welcome as well! well done with the rescue!
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