My guinea pig Stella does this thing on occasion where if shes just walking around and something is in her way (like a toilet paper tube for example) she will literally kick it with her front arm, but in an opposite kind of kick, like towards the back end of her, and send it flying away from her and just continue on! She does this with veggies too, for example:this morning she got some kale and broccoli and she kicked the kale away from her only to get to the other piece! If she has floor time too she will be walking along and nudge little objects and sometimes knock them over and just go on her way. Don't get me wrong, it is so adorable. Is she just sassy, do other piggies do this, or what is it?! I hope my explanation made sense, it's hard to explain but i wish i had video, but i never know when she does this, it just happens and i laugh!