Sasha still rumbles...

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Feb 14, 2012
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It's been over three months now, and Sasha will not stop rumbling. She doesn't outright attack her pigmate Penelope, but she rumbles from the first light of day until I got to bed at night. She rumbles, rumbles, rumbles. They have two of everything, plenty of space, their own hidey tubes... But Sasha won't stop rumbling! I love my piggies but at 8 in the morning (I work nights) the last thing I like waking up to are those incessant dove-like sounds and Penny making submissive squeeks. Urg.
Some pigs are always dominant and others grow out of it as they mature, so its all dependant on age and personality really! :))
Looks like you have a rather insecure or hormonal girl. Hopefully she will calm down eventually. Guinea pigs tend to be quieter as adults over 1 year old.
She must be, man. She rumbles sitting down! There has never been even a remotely serious squabble between the two, though. I really, really hope she outgrows it! Sasha is only a little over eight months old, she's still a baby, I guess. I plump one, however! ;-)
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