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Sandy has hurt her eye.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Sandy a 6+ year old pinnie gig (that's what my sister used to call them when she was small so the name stuck) ;D
Hurt her eye I think on some hay, I saw it mid morning on sunday. Why is it things like this happen when the vet
is closed?
Saw a mark on the eyeball and it was watering & red.
So I put some golden eye ointment on it, 3 times on the sunday 5 times on monday again this morning.
Looks about 50% better than it did when I first saw it. O0
Couldn't get an appoinment with the vet this morning but got one for this afternoon.
Hope I did right with the golden eye stuff. :-\
Oh poor little Sandy :'( :'( :'(
Sending healing wheeks and loves to help her little eye get better quickly :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
awww 6+ what a credit to you O0
I'm sure Mary or another of our very experienced people will be on soon and they can advise....
Good luck at the vets, that's a good idea to get her checked out :)
Poor Sandy, hope her eye is ok and good luck at the vets
Sandy is much better this morning, she had 2 shots anti- inflamatory & antiboitic.
Also some drops for the eye.
I was holding her when she decided it was a good idea to pee all over the wall next to me. ;D ;D
Not to worry said the vet I'm used to it. ::)
Thanks for the good wishes and to maryh for the info. O0
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