Merrypigs Sanctuary
Adult Guinea Pig
Many piggies
Toffee and Fudge were surrendered to my work place, and because Toffee has lots of unusual cysts and both ladies are elderly they are now permanent Sanctuary residents! Toffee is left and sister Fudge is right.
The mysterious stretch-pig!
Kissy kissy!
And little Jakob! Such a sweet boy, so friendly and kind. He was living alone in a hamster cage, and although he was much loved it just wasn't fair on Jake. He had lice and cherry eye, but is all cleared up now!
This was his cage - not even 60cm
And our newest arrival Darwin! He was a reward for passing exams but the young owner quickly lost interest, especially as Darwin bit her! He had a nice big, clean cage but was long and terrified
He also had lice which we are treating now, and misalignment of his incisors. He hadn't bitten us yet, but I think he's settling well 
(Link to his photo if it's not working:
So, I hope you enjoy peeeegs :'D

The mysterious stretch-pig!

Kissy kissy!

And little Jakob! Such a sweet boy, so friendly and kind. He was living alone in a hamster cage, and although he was much loved it just wasn't fair on Jake. He had lice and cherry eye, but is all cleared up now!

This was his cage - not even 60cm

And our newest arrival Darwin! He was a reward for passing exams but the young owner quickly lost interest, especially as Darwin bit her! He had a nice big, clean cage but was long and terrified

(Link to his photo if it's not working:
So, I hope you enjoy peeeegs :'D