Same Cage For A Little While?

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New Born Pup
Apr 25, 2017
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Hi! i'm getting my baby male piggie another baby male piggie. I need to get a bigger cage obviously, but the cage i bought will take a while to ship. In the mean time, if I introduce them and they seem to get along, can i keep them in the same cage? (they're coming from the same place so i don't think the quarantine period is necessary) The cage is spacious and has two hideys and has two food bowls. Thank you for the help!
I would still quarantine as you never can be too careful. Though I do know people that have just put piggies together without quarantining so I guess it is up to you. If you feel the cage is big enough and they get along ok then I see no reason why it would be wrong until the new cage comes along :)
Hi! i'm getting my baby male piggie another baby male piggie. I need to get a bigger cage obviously, but the cage i bought will take a while to ship. In the mean time, if I introduce them and they seem to get along, can i keep them in the same cage? (they're coming from the same place so i don't think the quarantine period is necessary) The cage is spacious and has two hideys and has two food bowls. Thank you for the help!

How big is your current cage? if it is within the recommended size, then it is fine until your big cage arrives. Otherwise, it can get a bit tight during the dominance phase, in which your boys establish and cement their hierarchy.
Cage Size Guide

When you introduce, please floow the tips in this guide carefully. You cannot just stick two piggies together. It is important to stage the meeting somewhere else, neutralise the cage before you move them in once acceptance has happened (the guide tells you exactly what to look out for and when they are ready for that) and make sure that you don;t have any hidey in there with just one exit, as that can cause fights.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

When you move them into the larger cage, please do so with some soiled bedding and uncleaned furniture; also rub it lightly all over the new cage, so it smells "right" for them and hopefully doesn't spark a full new round of dominance (which is needed in and new territory). Guinea pigs have a much better sense of smell and they use it to structure their lives and their territory.
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