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Sam went in for op this morning

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Jun 7, 2006
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We decided just to let them remove the lump instead of just getting a needle to be put in and a sample taken because if it was a tumor he would need it removed anyway. Also he had a chest infection through the stress of moving when we got him so no point making him get stressed and another chest infection. It is going to be an extra £50 to get it sent away and checked but it is better than not knowing. To phone at 1 because they aren't busy today. Hopefully they won't phone before then with bad news like what has happened in the past :-\ Will let you know what they say when we phone.
Just phoned up vets. He is fine and has to come home at 3. Going to get his cage ready for him coming home. :)
awwwwww love i do so hope all will be fine for the dear boy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Roll on 3pm then you can heaps of cuddles with him O0 :smitten:
Healing wheeks and loves from us both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Mum has went and collected him and he is back. It turned out to be an abscess but glad we got it removed anyway because it would have filled up again and caused more bother. The nurse was saying we must have been letting them fight ? Only way that could have been was when he was with his brothers. None of them chatter at eachother or anything so it must have been a bit of hay that jagged in or something. He is bright and healthy looking. Here is pic of his wound. He has got stitches underneath the skin.

Do we need to bathe it or anything? Nurse never really said anything. Isn't the normal one that is there.
when lois had her stitches i didnt bathe her but she had 3 sets of them and found it painful just being picked up.. poor lil sam it looks painful!
so glad sam had his op and is now home with you, if your concerned about bathing the area just give the vet a quick call and ask, they should be happy to answer any questions you have :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending hugs and cuddles to you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* and hoping sam continues to improve for you, guessing he would have to be seperated from his brothers for a while, good luck hoping all goes well. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Oh Sam that does look nasty, so glad you had that abscess >:( >:( removed :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
Gentle hugs and loves for Sam and a super speedy recovery for him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I was given a lotion to bathe the wound, but i agree with Mary i'd ask their advice O0
I'm sure somebody else will advise real soon :)
It doesn't seem to be bothered him he ate most of his dinner last night and is pooing and peeing fine. I've only been giving him small amounts of hay so he can't hide under it and get some stuck. He stil manages to find a way to sit under it ::) Last night when I went out gave him in his pigloo and by the time I got back he had moved it over his food dish ;D He is just being kept on towels/pillowslips until Monday when he is back at vets.
Poor sam having a nasty abscess. Hope he feels better soon and heals up with no problems :smitten:
Aw poor Sam, glad it was just an abcess though! We haven't bathed Roly's scar as like Spudnik said he found it stressful being picked up. We just kept him on clean towels and just gave him a bit of hay like you are doing, and so far so good. Keep an eye on the scar in case it swells up - thats what they said to us - as that would be a sign of infection.

Fingers crossed for Sam, hope his scar heals up well!
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