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Sam. Again..

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Jun 7, 2006
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Well his wound looked like it was healing up fine and he was back for check up on Monday night. The vet we saw has never been there before and she wouldn't even hold him. She was looking at his neck for the lump ? She said to take him off antibiotics and bring him back in a week. Just looked at the scar and there is a green head on it and the stitch is hanging out. We aren't happy with the way the other vet dealt with him so looks like another trip to the vets for him. He is only 3 months and cost us a fortune already ;D It doesn't seem to be bothering him but better being on the safe side.
awww poor lil sam.. sound like there is still some infection in there, after lois had surgery she had puss in her wound tissue we had to pick the scab off daily and squeeze any puss out clean it and do that until there were a few days where no puss was coming out and then let it heal, she was on baytril at the same time too, hope your vet is a bit more helpful :)
He has to go back in tomorrow to see if they can drain it without another op but tonight she was trying to do it but he was squealing in too much pain then even worse after he got an injection. We saw one of the normal vets so atleast he got looked at properly. We passed one of the vets on the street and he said hi. Shows how often we must go there if they remember us ;D
awww poor little guy, hope he doesnt have to anymore surgery!

btw did she try and pick at his scab? we used to soak lois's with a bit of warm water so it didnt hurt or pull her skin..
spudnik said:
awww poor little guy, hope he doesnt have to anymore surgery!

btw did she try and pick at his scab? we used to soak lois's with a bit of warm water so it didnt hurt or pull her skin..
She took the stitch out because he had chewed it out plus he's been pulling out some of the fur on his foot. The other vet was picking and poking at it but she won't be seeing any of our animals again. We have to bathe it until tomorrow.
if she was a vet why in the hell didn't she touch sam? :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: was she scared of the poor itty bitty guinea pig ? ;D ;D ;D can see the new movie now BEWARE THE ATTACK OF THE KILLER GUINEA PIG! 2funny 2funny 2funny sending hugs and prayers that sam doesn't need surgery and that he gets better soon. our vets know us by sight too which is nice but :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: us off too. in fact at the vet we are on first names. sam the girls send you lots of :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* and hoping you get better soon.
Took him down to the vets and she had a look at it gave it a squeeze and nothing came out so she said he doesn't need surgery today but he might in future if it flares up again. If he think he is in pain we have to phone and they will give us pain killer for him. He has to go back for check up on Monday.
hoping little Sam is ok poor iccle boy give him big :-* :-* :-* :-* from me
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