Salad foods.


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Nov 26, 2016
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It's not soft poops this time, but very wet ones (that could easily become soft) - considering this was something happening only last weekend, and they were right again by Monday, it's obviously something they're eating. Can I prove it's salad (including lettuce) and not peppers or cucumber? No, but I'm far more inclined to believe it's the salad when the poop is a day or two behind the ingestion.

Dry diet again for a couple of days which is fine, but I'm wondering if they're going to really be missing out on much if I cut out the salad stuff and stick with peppers, cucumber and herbs, even just for a few weeks to see how it settles for them? It's not that I mind the screams of the Tortured Damned for a few days (well, I do, but that comes as part of the job) but it can't be good for them to keep having upset bellies even if they're showing no other signs of an issue, weights are fine, appetites are definitely fine. And honestly unless they suddenly decide they hate peppers, they're probably going to be fine with it too. I hope.
So, just over a week into this and it seems to be doing the trick. Poops are looking like they should, if a little dry (they've always got water anyway) but nothing that would cause me worry. And not a soft or squidgy poop in sight for days! I still feel a bit mean cutting so much out of their diet, but if it's working, well, then it's working.
Glad to hear the new diet is working. After a couple of weeks you could always try reintroducing an other item such as a little bit of lettuce and see how it goes.
Here's hoping, although I hadn't expected such a drastic improvement in the poops since it's stopped and I'm kind of wishing I'd started them with this diet sooner. Lesson learned, I guess.
It's hard to deny them food you know they love and easy to keep hoping the problem will resolve its self. One of my piggies kept having "cowpat" poops a couple of years ago which I think was triggered by over indulging on watermelon but meant she became reactive to cucumber too, which she loved. I had to cut it out of her diet for several months but now she is fine with having some 2 or 3 times a week.
Yeah, we were close to the cowpat stage but not quite there - very wet poops, misshapen but formed properly, if that makes sense, and then a goblin or two walked over it and deformed it with ease. It was definitely Cam, I'm not certain about how bad Bann got but hey. At least they like baby cucumber and baby pepper. I'd be in trouble if they didn't.