Sad piggie


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Those who have had a pig die and their friend is sad.. how quickly do they pick up again? Nancy is so sad it's breaking my heart. She has stopped squeaking for food and just sits in the same spot for hours unless I go and talk to her.

She will come out for food when I call her but she isn't saying anything at all, she's normally chatty. She loves coming out for her medication but just gets distressed and wants to go back home. I wish I could just walk back in with Pumpkin 😭. Nancy and Pumpkin have been together since birth. Nancy will not remember any other piggies.
Oh no, Nancy I think I read once it's usually around a week is she eating though perhaps you start daily weight checks just in case as I read some guineas who lose the friend can grieve more intensely. Are you thinking of getting her a friend? 🤔
Oh no, Nancy I think I read once it's usually around a week is she eating though perhaps you start daily weight checks just in case as I read some guineas who lose the friend can grieve more intensely. Are you thinking of getting her a friend? 🤔

I have her weight from a couple of days ago so I could check tomorrow. I was hoping she would be fine because Pumpkin was being a hormonal at her which she didn't like. But they have been together since birth. Nancy hasn't met any other pigs since birth so she may think she's the only pig in the whole world 😭.

I do want her to have a friend. I've dropped a message to a rescue to ask for a companion pig, one you return if your pig dies. But will depend if they have one suitable. I have had to explain that Nancy has been having a flare and I don't know how long Nancy will last. Nancy is well, but she's had a bad IC flare. I always have in the back of my mind about pain levels and if I have to put to sleep. We've just upped her metacam though. I'm hopeful a new pig will help. But I couldn't promise how long she will live for.
So sorry you lost Pumkin, hope this guide helps you

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
Thank you. Nancy didn't see Pumpkin dead so perhaps will take sometime of wondering. She was okay yesterday afternoon but I think she thought Pumpkin would come back as she's vanished to the vets before and come back. By the evening she knew something was up.
I have her weight from a couple of days ago so I could check tomorrow. I was hoping she would be fine because Pumpkin was being a hormonal at her which she didn't like. But they have been together since birth. Nancy hasn't met any other pigs since birth so she may think she's the only pig in the whole world 😭.

I do want her to have a friend. I've dropped a message to a rescue to ask for a companion pig, one you return if your pig dies. But will depend if they have one suitable. I have had to explain that Nancy has been having a flare and I don't know how long Nancy will last. Nancy is well, but she's had a bad IC flare. I always have in the back of my mind about pain levels and if I have to put to sleep. We've just upped her metacam though. I'm hopeful a new pig will help. But I couldn't promise how long she will live for.
Of course it's an extremely difficult position you're in x
I can see you are in the UK but without being too specific where about do you live? 🤔
Of course it's an extremely difficult position you're in x
I do think a new pig will help but couldn't promise that it would for sure. I'm hoping the metacam is helping.

I'm up North. I'm in contact with rescue that I got Nancy & Pumpkin from originally. But will depend if they have anyone suitable as it's a big ask for a companion pig. But Nancy may have years left in her. She acts young.
Lovely so they know you and will hopefully help as soon as they can. For now just keep weight checking to make sure she is physically ok as such and try to enrich her daily routine to help her emotionally 💐
Lovely so they know you and will hopefully help as soon as they can. For now just keep weight checking to make sure she is physically ok as such and try to enrich her daily routine to help her emotionally 💐
I bought a hay cube, you know those ones with the heart in the middle. I put it in a couple of hours before Pumpkin died so she could have fun with it too.
Nancy has suddenly decided everything is okay now! I need not have worried. When my alarm went off this morning she squeaked me out of bed for her breakfast. And is 100% acting herself. Maybe she's realised she likes the space & that it's okay because I'm not changing anything. She seems to be trying to make you for being sad yesterday by stuffing her face with a lot of food.

She had a really good night pain wise too. I think the new dose of metacam maybe working. I hope anyway!
Sorry for your loss. :hug:

Lovely to hear Nancy was more herself. I hope she squeaked you out of bed this morning too!

We had our Hamish pts at the vets last week, and Wally his neighbour has been a little quieter too- he’s just beginning to find his cheeky self again, and trying to chat to me- he’s still searching the bars for his neighbour though. 😢
Sorry for your loss. :hug:

Lovely to hear Nancy was more herself. I hope she squeaked you out of bed this morning too!

We had our Hamish pts at the vets last week, and Wally his neighbour has been a little quieter too- he’s just beginning to find his cheeky self again, and trying to chat to me- he’s still searching the bars for his neighbour though. 😢

Oh no! Poor Wally. It's not nice seeing a pig look for where their friend has gone.

Yes Nancy woke me up at 6:30 🤣. I had to say no though because it was going to be too early for her medication.
Hey, thought I would check in to see how both you and Miss Nancy are doing?xx
Hey, thought I would check in to see how both you and Miss Nancy are doing?xx
Kinda okay. Nancy is needing higher dose of metacam to manage her IC. But this maybe because she is alone, she is more anxious alone. Waiting to hear from the vet if this is okay longer term. I am very anxious as Nancy has to go to boarding in 2 weeks for 6 weeks. And Nancy can flare up from change. And the fact she will go alone makes me sad and worried. I do a lot in the day with routines etc that allows Nancy to know what will happen & give a lot of cucumber various times to wash her bladder through (this helps with her pain levels). But obviously routines and people will be different. Just typical timing that I'm having an op and because Nancy needs picking up for meds I will be unable to on crutches.
Thank you for asking 😊
Kinda okay. Nancy is needing higher dose of metacam to manage her IC. But this maybe because she is alone, she is more anxious alone. Waiting to hear from the vet if this is okay longer term. I am very anxious as Nancy has to go to boarding in 2 weeks for 6 weeks. And Nancy can flare up from change. And the fact she will go alone makes me sad and worried. I do a lot in the day with routines etc that allows Nancy to know what will happen & give a lot of cucumber various times to wash her bladder through (this helps with her pain levels). But obviously routines and people will be different. Just typical timing that I'm having an op and because Nancy needs picking up for meds I will be unable to on crutches.
Thank you for asking 😊
Do you have anyone close that is happy to help?
Do you have anyone close that is happy to help?
No unfortunately not. My family are 20 minute drive. So I can't ask them to come twice a day to pick her up. Also can't stay with them with her, my dad isn't happy having hay in the house.
Awww, poor Nancy. :( One of my piggies recently lost their cagemate & it's hard.
I hope you can get her a friend soon, it must be hard for her not knowing anything else but Pumpkin. :( I'm so sorry.
Awww, poor Nancy. :( One of my piggies recently lost their cagemate & it's hard.
I hope you can get her a friend soon, it must be hard for her not knowing anything else but Pumpkin. :( I'm so sorry.
Thank you. How is your piggie doing? Have they been okay alone or not? I reckon if it had been round the other way and Nancy had died, I'm not sure Pumpkin would have been particularly bothered. I could be wrong though. They weren't like super close pigs either. But Nancy obviously needs company.
Thank you. How is your piggie doing? Have they been okay alone or not? I reckon if it had been round the other way and Nancy had died, I'm not sure Pumpkin would have been particularly bothered. I could be wrong though. They weren't like super close pigs either. But Nancy obviously needs company.
Sadly it's only been a few days, I kept a piece of a blanket that smelled like Ginger (piggie that passed) in the cage and a little bear with her scent as well, she did see her body but she is young only like 6-7mos old and Ginger was the only piggie she really knew since I got her. :( She was like a mom to her.
She is feeling kinda lonely, she is eating/drinking but I did have to syringe her a little, I feel like she feels kinda lost, she does have two sows housed next to her cage but they don't get along unless there's bars between them lol.

I think I will need to get her a friend, probably a young baby within the weeks to come but I am giving her some time to grieve too. :( Some pigs do just fine solo, but I think she will need company. :( Nancy sounds like she does too!
Kinda okay. Nancy is needing higher dose of metacam to manage her IC. But this maybe because she is alone, she is more anxious alone. Waiting to hear from the vet if this is okay longer term. I am very anxious as Nancy has to go to boarding in 2 weeks for 6 weeks. And Nancy can flare up from change. And the fact she will go alone makes me sad and worried. I do a lot in the day with routines etc that allows Nancy to know what will happen & give a lot of cucumber various times to wash her bladder through (this helps with her pain levels). But obviously routines and people will be different. Just typical timing that I'm having an op and because Nancy needs picking up for meds I will be unable to on crutches.
Thank you for asking 😊
Oh bless her heart, hopefully her IC calms down soon. Have you tried products like pet remedy to see if that helps with her anxiety?

Hopefully after a few days in boarding she will settle down and the 6 weeks will fly by.
Oh bless her heart, hopefully her IC calms down soon. Have you tried products like pet remedy to see if that helps with her anxiety?

Hopefully after a few days in boarding she will settle down and the 6 weeks will fly by.
I hope so. I'm am concerned that her condition will get worse being alone and that I may have to put her to sleep. But she's anxious alone and anxiety makes her IC worse. So I'm in a bit of a jam really. But she may also like hearing other piggies at piggy boarding.

Weirdly she's scared of pet remedy. Vet recommended I tried it. I sprayed some on a bed and she refused to go in it, full on backs away like it's scary. I have a plug in but because she was terrified of the spray I'm unsure if it's a good idea. Maybe it reminds her of the vets 🤷🏾
Do you have a local rescue who can do boarding? In sad situations like this I have left the guinea pig with the rescue and they have found a companion in that time. It gives the guinea time to choose the right friend and bond especially if the guinea is solo, and if one fails then there are others to try. Just a thought? An older boar (neutered)can be an excellent choice as she may not want to have another female companion but will take well to a boy. I have had several, single ladies where this has happened and boys seem to be extra supportive when companions are under the weather. I hope all goes well with your op and your little girl finds her friend.
Sadly it's only been a few days, I kept a piece of a blanket that smelled like Ginger (piggie that passed) in the cage and a little bear with her scent as well, she did see her body but she is young only like 6-7mos old and Ginger was the only piggie she really knew since I got her. :( She was like a mom to her.
She is feeling kinda lonely, she is eating/drinking but I did have to syringe her a little, I feel like she feels kinda lost, she does have two sows housed next to her cage but they don't get along unless there's bars between them lol.

I think I will need to get her a friend, probably a young baby within the weeks to come but I am giving her some time to grieve too. :( Some pigs do just fine solo, but I think she will need company. :( Nancy sounds like she does too!
Oh bless her. It's hard to see them on their own isn't it. Sounds like she probably does need a friend.

Nancy not sure what to do with her. She needs a friend but I'm struggling to get one before boarding. Last night I was upset because i heard her squeaking when weeing with her IC. But this could be stress from being alone. This morning she pain wise she is good.
Do you have a local rescue who can do boarding? In sad situations like this I have left the guinea pig with the rescue and they have found a companion in that time. It gives the guinea time to choose the right friend and bond especially if the guinea is solo, and if one fails then there are others to try. Just a thought? An older boar (neutered)can be an excellent choice as she may not want to have another female companion but will take well to a boy. I have had several, single ladies where this has happened and boys seem to be extra supportive when companions are under the weather. I hope all goes well with your op and your little girl finds her friend.
I don't think my local rescue does boarding unfortunately. They do bonding for you though. The problem I have is I don't want pigs long term either. I've not been able to get a pig yet.

Not sure what to do really.
I honestly don't know what to do. She is making content happy noises laying in hay but then when she wees sometimes she is in pain. Not every wee but it doesn't feel fair. But then if she had a friend she may go back to feeling better? She wasn't great before Pumpkin died but Pumpkin had become hormonal. Pumpkin last few weeks of her life had been rumbling at Nancy. I am really stuck.

She has gained weight too and I thought loosing weight or being puffy was sign of a lot of pain. Neither she is doing. But I don't like what I'm seeing either. But she's running around being active etc. I just don't know what to do. Ideally I would like to see what she is like with a friend but this seems unlikely.
It’s very difficult isn’t it. She definitely needs a friend and like people, if they are happier they can be healthier. One other thought but it depends on the rescue and you, but one or two rescues have a sanctuary or retirement run for guineas where they take on older or guineas suffering with an illness and cant be rehomed. I don’t know if there are any near you who do this. This way she gets company, but you would have to surrender her and check that they were happy to care for her. Another thought…