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Sad news 😔


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2020
Reaction score
East Sussex
So, only less than 2 months after losing my precious Smokey, I lost my gorgeous Cinnamon too 😭 it was so sudden - one day she was fine, the next she was quiet and not taking her veggies. She was struggling to breathe suddenly so I took her to the vet straightaway. The vet examined her and said she had fluid on her lungs and her heart was struggling. She was also bleeding in her urine. He gave her an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injection but said he wasn't hopeful, and after discussion we booked her in for the next day to PTS. When I got her home, she just got worse and worse and I decided to take her that same day for PTS, however, she passed in the car. The vet was so sweet and confirmed she had passed, so I had a final cuddle goodbye before she went for cremation. I'm absolutely gutted and can't believe how quickly she went downhill. My only consolation is that she's now with Smokey over the rainbow bridge 🌈
So, only less than 2 months after losing my precious Smokey, I lost my gorgeous Cinnamon too 😭 it was so sudden - one day she was fine, the next she was quiet and not taking her veggies. She was struggling to breathe suddenly so I took her to the vet straightaway. The vet examined her and said she had fluid on her lungs and her heart was struggling. She was also bleeding in her urine. He gave her an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injection but said he wasn't hopeful, and after discussion we booked her in for the next day to PTS. When I got her home, she just got worse and worse and I decided to take her that same day for PTS, however, she passed in the car. The vet was so sweet and confirmed she had passed, so I had a final cuddle goodbye before she went for cremation. I'm absolutely gutted and can't believe how quickly she went downhill. My only consolation is that she's now with Smokey over the rainbow bridge 🌈


I am so very sorry for the shock. Multiple organ failure/a natural death can happen very quickly and not rarely out of blue.

If it is any consolation to you, I have recently lost one of my mine - a supposedly healthy chunky three years old who in the afternoon was happily tucking into her freshly cut grass but who wouldn't come out for dinner. She was unable to take on food and also showed laboured breathing - also a sign of acute heart failure (build up of fluid in the lungs can be a symptom of that). Maelona passed away in the early hours. We tend to forget that guinea pigs are very small animals with a much faster metabolism until it turns against them, not rarely without any warning. :(

Please be kind with yourself after this traumatic experience ou haven't been able to brace for, so you have to currently deal with both the shock and the loss. Nothing is your fault and you have done your best under the circumstances. When you have never witnessed it before, it can happen with a devastating speed. There is nothing you or your vet could have done to prevent it; once the body has started to break down, there is only one outcome. :(

Give yourself time and space to not be OK but seek support if you feel overwhelmed, struggle to sleep and function or find yourself trapped in a vicious mind loop. Talking is the best you can do for yourself. You will find that quite a bit of not yet fully digested grieving for Smokey will come up again; that is very normal. Try to mourn them together and try to picture them together at the Rainbow Bridge if that helps you. This is not a quick thing but it will ease with time.

Please contact the free Blue Cross (UK animal charity) platforms whenever you need somewhere to talk and unload: Pet bereavement and pet loss
I'm so sorry for your loss, sleep well and popcorn high over the rainbow bridge Cinnamon ❤️ 🌈
I’m so sorry. They are both together forever over the bridge now. ❤️
Very sorry to hear you have lost your little one.
I am so sorry for your loss. 💔
I am so very sorry to hear your news and also sorry to Wiebke as well - it is a horrible horrible thing losing our lovely pets x sending you big hugs.
I'm so sorry for your loss. ((HUGS)) to you... it's so hard to lose a pet, let alone two relatively quickly.
So sorry that you have lost Cinnamon so soon after Smokey.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
I am so sorry to hear this, poor Cinnamon and Smokey.
I find guinea pigs life's are to short and it is so sad when you lose a piggy but there will always be someone to help you when a time like this happens.
Good luck. :(