Sad decision

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Eddie is goin to be a year on saturday and he got a big old dose of dominance hormones this past fortnight :'( he attacked Zubin loads causing little nicks to start with but on sat we found a massive let me use the term the vet used 'laceration' to his ear! you could not imagine that a piggie the size and temperment of Ed could have done that but its around 4 bites in one area the back of the ear is swollen and it was hot so off to the vet he went today where it was drained pus pus and more pus was so gross! and hes on two different antibiotics and a wash thing which cos £54! that i now have to pay back! so i thought ok what the hell could have caused all this why now? firt thought was Ianto! hes the only new thing in the house well the shed so i contemplated giving him to my nan but then at the last moment couldnt part with him upsettin my nan who is now not talking to me but i couldnt bare leaving him after his first owner did that! and so i thought ok plan B, ill move them in and see if they calm down NOPE! that didnt work Eddie did it again Zubin was TERRIOFIED when Abbie grabbed him he clinged to her for life and wheeked his eyes you could see he was so scared, hes in alot of pain and is sleeping alot his ear is twice the size it used to be! so tonight they are spending the night apart, next to each otehr but apart. if anyone knows what i can do to try and mend this relationship ANY suggestions i will try, or am i looking for false hope does anyone think this is it for them ? :'( they where fine in the car journey to the vets its like they love eachother when they are scared but as soon as he feels in charge Ed goes crazy :'( x
:tickedoff: Boys!

I think that the rlationship is well and truly broken. How about Zubin and Ianto together and Ed on his own?
Are they all boys? You said her somewhere and if one is a girl they may be fighting over her.

In the shed we have 4 boars and 2 females who live with one neutered male. so that could b the cause but we have had them since august and they ahve been ok :S and Ianto is MOODY! so its unlikey that they wod get on but il lc
I have one boa who just has a positive mind set to not like any other animal, so we got a big 4ft rabbit hutch and split it down the middle with chick wire and have a companion on one side and him on the other, they grumble and swear at each other but cannot hurt each other,

I also have sows that take a dislike to each other as well, but i think when boars fall out it is a permanent thing, am i Right everyone or have i arsed it up again :)
aww thats a shame :(

(i only asked because neutering helps many animals with aggression due to the lack of hormones ;))
Rhona said:
aww thats a shame :(

(i only asked because neutering helps many animals with aggression due to the lack of hormones ;))

Unfortunately with guinea pigs the only thing neutering stops is babies :D
piggybaker said:
I have one boa who just has a positive mind set to not like any other animal, so we got a big 4ft rabbit hutch and split it down the middle with chick wire and have a companion on one side and him on the other, they grumble and swear at each other but cannot hurt each other,

I also have sows that take a dislike to each other as well, but i think when boars fall out it is a permanent thing, am i Right everyone or have i arsed it up again :)

;D I think it depends on what happens when they've fallen out. A change of surrounding could cause them to fall out but then they could be re-introduced once settled & become friends again - I THINK :D
Zubin is so down! hes just sitting staring out of the cage. i swear if he was a human he'd be crying its heartbreaking nothing i can do is helping, he misses Eddie i know because its the same when Griff and Rud passed away he was like thsi its so upsetting :(
Go on the website barmy4boars. Sorry I don't know whether it's or .com but when my two boys were fighting it really helped them! It could just be they are teenagers though - they might grow out of it.
Hiya! I haven't been online in ages so i thought i'd update everyone on the situation i had.
Ok after staying in for nearly three weeks Zubins ear had healed to the perfect little ear it used to be, Eddie is living on his own i found a cage that fit under their hutches so with a bit of shifting everyone is back to normal, all the boys can hear each other and smell each other but no harm can come to them and they seem so much less stressed and Eddie has put on loadsa weight hes a right podge now he had also shown a personality that i had never seen hes so funny and he doesnt shut up its as if he acted like Zubin(Hes painfully shy) when they where together. I'm much happier with the situation in the shed. anyways thought id update you all xx
Great news about your guineas, they sound so much happy and so do you. :)
That's fantastic news O0 O0
I was only thinking of your situation the other day when i read something similar, i'm glad you updated always lovely to hear of things working out :-* :-* :-*
Our boys lived happily separated for a number of years they could smell, see and chat non stop together it was quite comical :smitten:
Do they like to have playtime together?
Playtime isnt something we can do safely. we put Eddies run next to Zubs and Iantos was closeby well Zub headbutted his way into eddies, leaving a gap by Ianto who ended up with them both Abby noticed ran for it out of the shed that we where clearing and managed to grap Ianto, i was dashing after Ed so didnt see her place him in bobbins hutch (that wasnt being used but was somewhere to put him while we where busy where he could be safe) so when i managed to grab ed and put him in the other cage i just assumed that Ianto was also in a cage and put Zub in the same hutch, i turned to abby and asked where Ianto was she said well hes in bobs hutch i was like but Zubs in there and we ran for it managed to seperate all they had done was chase each other thankfully! all this happened in the space of 5 mins nad it was so funny afterwards just he comedy in it made me crease up all teh piggies where fine but playtime wont be happening again for sometime!
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