Sad Decision, But Necessary I Think

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Boris adopted Frisbee at the rescue centre last Wednesday and I was so happy he was going to have a friend to hang around with, but it hasn't gone very well.
Frisbee has definitely taken 'top pig' status and Boris has gone form the happy piggy he used to be to a very introverted, scared, unhappy piggy. They had a terrible fight on Day 1 which thankfully they haven't repeated, but they've obviously been having altercations when I'm not around - all the signs are there.
They barely tolerate each other at best, with Frisbee making aggressive moves towards Boris if they get anywhere near each other.
This evening, having put them in a HUGE box while I cleaned the hutch, I heard a terrible squeaking and discovered that Frisbee had taken a bite out of Boris's ear which was bleeding quite badly.
I can't do this to Boris any more. I've put a divider in the hutch so they have half each and left a message for the rescue centre to discuss the next step.
It's so sad because Frisbee's gorgeous and I adore him, but neither of them are happy and they deserve to be.
So sorry to hear this has not worked out. It is a very stressful process for all parties.
I'm going through this at the moment my pair are begining to settle but we are very much up and down testing each other out.
I'd hate to have to return my little chap if things went sour.I really feel for you :(
So sorry to hear this. I fully agree with your decision. Once they've drawn blood there's no going back. I hope that your rescue will take Frisbee back and that he could perhaps try boar dating with a more placid boar .
I feel for you. When bonding goes wrong it is so sad & stressful. I had a similar problem last year when trying to bond a new sow with my 3 sows. In the end I sorted it by adopting a neutered boar to bond with the new sow then a month later they were all living as a group of 5. Unfortunately this is not an option for you. You obviously love both piggies & wish they'd love each other. If you have space you could keep them in separate cages but close to each other while you decide what to do.

I am very sorry that the bonding hasn't worked out! It is always such a gutting experience. Sometimes, it can take a little while for the characters to come out fully and only then you know whether they will work out together or not. Looks like Frisbee is a very dominant little boar! :(
You're all so lovely and understanding - thank you so much, it's such a relief to know I'm not on my own and that I haven't made a bad decision.
I really hope that Frisbee can find a new home through the rescue centre and that Boris and I can adopt another little boar piggy. I had such hopes earlier today when I let them loose of a huge pile of grass and dandelions with the run of our hallway. Sadly it wasn't to be, but I got some photos of the two of them together in a rare moment of relative peace.

Wishing both boys all the best! The average of finding a boarmate that is just right seems to be two candidates, so I hope that Boris will be lucky next time and that Frisbee can find a smaller laid back friend that doesn't mind him dominating!
I'm sorry to hear this hasn't worked out . You have done the right thing by temporarily seperating them and I am sure the Rescue will help you out. Frisbee IS gorgeous - but so is Boris .
I'm sorry to hear this hasn't worked out . You have done the right thing by temporarily seperating them and I am sure the Rescue will help you out. Frisbee IS gorgeous - but so is Boris .
Frisbee went back to Milhaven last weekend and Boris is a happy piggy once more. He's a bit jumpier than he used to be, but what a difference! While I was cuddling him after Frisbee had gone, I realised just how much he'd suffered - I found scabs on his back, under his chin and beneath one of his ears, and realised that both ears had been chewed, not just the one that I'd witnessed. Anyway, BP (Boris Pig) now has a new cage, a new run (indoor/outdoor), new playthings and overly-doting humans!
oh bless him it took me 3 attempts with 3 boars to find the right match for my bereaved boar so understand how you feel
Oh bless Boris. It must reassure you that you were right to separate them and return little Frisbee.
oh bless him it took me 3 attempts with 3 boars to find the right match for my bereaved boar so understand how you feel
Wow, that must have been difficult. I'd love him to have a friend, but not sure I can put him through it again just yet. He is at that difficult age too (5 mths)!
at the time it was xx first attempt was with a baby which started well at introduction but on day 2 I noticed my pig (whose 5 and half yrs old) was acting scared of baby and when I took him out of cage his rump and mouth area was covered in deep bite wounds :( I felt awful , baby was sent back immediately. Second attempt was an introduction a few days later to a friends lonely teenage boar but mine I think was still traumatised by the baby incident and ran off scared and squealed everytime he went near him. finally the local rescue had a neutered boar come in so I built a big c and c cage and split it down the middle with the intention of them living side by side forever. anyway by time I got neutered boar 5 wks had passed and my boars wounds had totally healed, when I placed the new boar into his side of the cage it was like love at first sight with lots of pleasurable talking and grooming between the bars :) I left them for a week getting to know each other through bars and enjoying floor time together then I took plunge and took partition away and they have lived together happily ever since , rescue boar is 2 yrs old so 2 adults living together its lovely . maybe you could try this and if it doesn't work they still have a friend living side by side for company :) xx
Oh my, these stories have me so scared! This weekend i plan on cleaning out and scrubbing down my big hutch to pair up a 6 month old boar with my 3 month old boar and i just know they are going to fight! Because my Caesar (6 month old) is not keen on other boars! If this goes sorry ... well i dont know what i'll do!
at the time it was xx first attempt was with a baby which started well at introduction but on day 2 I noticed my pig (whose 5 and half yrs old) was acting scared of baby and when I took him out of cage his rump and mouth area was covered in deep bite wounds :( I felt awful , baby was sent back immediately. Second attempt was an introduction a few days later to a friends lonely teenage boar but mine I think was still traumatised by the baby incident and ran off scared and squealed everytime he went near him. finally the local rescue had a neutered boar come in so I built a big c and c cage and split it down the middle with the intention of them living side by side forever. anyway by time I got neutered boar 5 wks had passed and my boars wounds had totally healed, when I placed the new boar into his side of the cage it was like love at first sight with lots of pleasurable talking and grooming between the bars :) I left them for a week getting to know each other through bars and enjoying floor time together then I took plunge and took partition away and they have lived together happily ever since , rescue boar is 2 yrs old so 2 adults living together its lovely . maybe you could try this and if it doesn't work they still have a friend living side by side for company :) xx
What a lovely happy ending! I think Boris probably needs a docile older boar if it's going to work out. Milhaven are going to let me know if a suitable piggy comes in, but meanwhile I think I'll let him regain his confidence a bit. The scars have healed, thankfully. X
you could also have him neutered and put him in with a sow xx just a thought
Oh my, these stories have me so scared! This weekend i plan on cleaning out and scrubbing down my big hutch to pair up a 6 month old boar with my 3 month old boar and i just know they are going to fight! Because my Caesar (6 month old) is not keen on other boars! If this goes sorry ... well i dont know what i'll do!

Fingers crossed it all goes well for them xx
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