Rusty just bit me

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
Canada Ontario
This is the first time she's actually bit me, she's nibbled me before but this time it hurt8...
Things have been pretty stressful around the house and she hasn't had floor time regularly. I'm hoping that's the only reason why she did:... I really hope that everything will go back to normal and she'll nevr bite hard 8...8...8...
Ps if I wrote this with my phone sorry if there's any mistakes.
She may have been trying to tell you that she needed the loo. Mine do this when they need a wee and I pop them back.
Maybe you accidentally hurt her?

Romano bit me quite hard in warning when I accidentally tugged a bit of his hair.
Oh I was watching tv with her on me- I just put her on and she ran right up my body, ontoy sholders than she chomed down on my neck. She didn't draw blood but any closer, she left indents
Maybe shes a vampire? :))


Maybe she just lost her balance and bit down to avoid falling?
Guinea pigs are not natural biters unlike hamsters etc, so it will be a one off rolleyes

Did you have your finger or hand under her chin? Sometimes they bite when they feel something but can't properly see it but I can honestly say since our first two I have learnt where not to place my hand when holding them & have never been bitten since :)
I've noticed my guinea pigs nip me a few times when I'm stroking under there chins and there not holding there head up, I dont think they mean anything bad by it though, I know now that it must be because they cant see me finger under there chin!
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