Runs as Cages?

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Salt n Peppers mum

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 18, 2009
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Do many people use a traditional run as an indoor cage?

Like this


It's something I am curious about as shop bought cages can be as highly priced as £100, yet something as simple as a commercial outdoor run is larger and often much cheaper.

An alternative to C&C maybe?

What do you think?
Definatly if your a dog or cat owner and probably a lot easier to clean out than a c and c as well as its rigid and can be picked up in one piece
They work - I have used runs as temporary indoors pens before.

You don't need correx either, any wipeable underlay will do! Of course, for a permanent setup you'd rather like something more durable than a mere sheet of plastic but a cheap offcut of lino will do, too!
That looks great, if it works and your piggies are happy then why not? My hubby made pens as homes for ours when we first got them. We then had to get cages as our piggy family expanded, but the pens were great homes for the boys.
That looks really good and as hazey said, much better if you have cats and dogs.
Oh wow i love that

It looks really nice and i guess it would work well if you had alot of dark wooden furniture in your house, or just general wooden furniture, I'm sure having a house that big would make for very happy pigs but if the run should be better than there cage how would you buy one bigger, that looks massive haha !
I have that run but not in the house. I think these are great with a lino base but eventually they get chewed and dont look quite as attractive! :)) Its a very do-able alternative to a C&C if you have the space.
I have an outdoor hutch painted to be indoors

and a metal run indoors with my bunny in

for an outdoor run I have an old decorators table blocking off about 20sq ft of my yard that they get to run in while supervised by my OH as I dont have a covered run and there is a cat about!
Years ago I had a wooden panels in the house for indoor piggies. They got really hideously soiled though, due to not being able to wash them properly. I'd never do it again.
I've just seen this thread. I love this, I bet it's fairly easy to build on top too, what do you think? If you lined the floor with a 6mm correx? You could attach another top as long as it was secured properly.....?

I like this idea, it looks neat and tidy. My patience is wearing thin with the c&c grids - I find them quite fiddly, especially when I want to do a deep clean - trying to unconnect and reconnect....grrrr does my head in! lol. I prefer the foldable pens.

My favourite past time is sitting down with the piggies, or just giving them a stroke when I walk past. Also how hard would it be to get your piggies out?! They'd just leg it to a corner, haha!

If I could get something like this, where you could have the roof on or off - that would be fab!

Great for owners with other animals though!
My boys' cage is actually a wood & wire double run with a hutch on top of half of it accessible by a ramp. It is meant to be used outdoors but I have it indoors in my computer room on top of a tile floor. As the bottom is open, I just have one of those waterproof terry towel bed protectors on top of the floor then the vet bed on top of that. The half of the run that does not have the hutch on top has a wood and wire top that can be latched closed or latched open against the hutch. Keeps the dog and the neighbours 3 year old out when closed and lets me get at the piggies and cage when open.
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