Runs And Ramps?

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Mar 3, 2016
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so in my 5ft by 7ft shed I have a 3ft by 7ft level attached.. my pigs have never used it! how do I get them to use it? it has a ramp which has boards at the side so I don't know if they think its n) but if I take the board off and they go up they could fall.. also I have a 6ft by 8ft run attached to the shed (by a homemade cat flap.. aka a bit of wood I can lift and hook up or put down)
but they have never been out there.. there is lots of hides out there and it isn't hard to get too.. why wont they go out? all the space is being wasted and idk what to do about it x
Some piggies seem to take to ramps no problem, others need more encouraging, and others won't entertain the idea. Dylan and Zebedee were reluctant to use their ramp at first. I gave them a few days and then tried some modifications. I lined the surface of the ramp with carpet (I just bought a cheap mat from The Range and cut it up) to give them better grip as this seems to be an issue for some piggies. I also got a very sturdy box (low enough for them to get up onto easily) and put it underneath the bottom of the ramp to decrease the steepness of the ramp, Both of them really like tunnels, so I thought if I could make the ramp more tunnel-like they might feel more confident with it. I know that you can buy fleece ramp tunnels, but I thought before I went to that expense I'd try out the general idea. I got some fairly narrow but tallish cardboard boxes (they are actually the ones that Aldi soya milk cartons are in), tipped them upside down and they became a kind of tunnel cover for the ramp. Once I had done all that, both of the boys starting going up and down with no problem (helped initially by a basil trail up the ramp!). I know all piggies are different, and what worked for mine may not work for yours, but just thought my experience might give you a few ideas.
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