New Born Pup
Our guinea pig, Roger, is 3 years old. He often manages to chip or break his teeth. They grow back normally. However about a month ago, he broke one of his bottom teeth, from about a quarter of the way from the root. This hasn't grown back. Around the same time he developed a runny nose- but only on one nostril, and he has a bit of a 'clicky' chest which I know is a sign of an infection. We took him to the vet and they put him on pain relief for a week which didn't make a difference. He's eating as well as he can with 3 teeth, doesn't have runny eyes. We took him back to the vet. They said his tooth would eventually grow back and it was ok. We aren't sure what to do as the vet says he's perfectly ok despite his runny nostril, clicky chest and lack of tooth, so wanted some extra advice. Thanks in advance. Lana.