Running machine

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
I'm having a running machine for my birthday!

So exciting! No more having to go out in the wet and cold, can run and watch TV instead ;D
Oooh briliant Lucinda. You will love it. Thats a lovely birthday pressie. :)

I was thinking of having a running machine too, but as I havent ran since I was a kid thought it was a bit too much at moment.

So have gone for an elliptical cross trainer. It arrived yesterday and had a good go with it last night after hubby put it together. It did tell me I was officially "unfit" though after i had done my bit for the day. :o ;D ;D.

Got mine from this company.

ordered it Tues and it arrived yesterday. Cant fault their service at all. :)

Enjoy your machine.

Deb x
Thanks. I hope I do enjoy it. I also hope that I don't always use it instead of going out running, which is better really.
I have no space to put anything at home but then I came across this in the Mail on Sunday magazine

I'm intrigued by this (and it folds away nicely) but I'm worried it might be a big scam - still , the tester in the MOS said it was amazing .....

What does everyone else think ? (Sorry to thread hyjack)
Yes it looks as though it would work and it's got good reviews, but get it from QVC, £65.13 inc P+P ;)
Thanks for the tip!

I live practically next door to the QVC head office! Sure it would be shipped from a warehouse though somewhere

(runs to look at QVC website)
I've got a treadmill thats really good its in our log cabin storage room with Bon Jovi posters everywhere so I can gaze at Richie and dream, trouble is its so cold at the moment i cannot be bothered, will do it soon .....promise :)
Great idea i wish i had a walking machine so i could get this stupid leg back to normal.
Running you must be fit :)
I hate going out in the cold to walk also :P
I think I am quite fit :)

I try to go three times a week, but it's horrid in the winter and in the summer

I also enjoy squash but no-one wants to play :(
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