Run question - do piggies dig?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
My piggies are in my old rabbit run which had mesh on the bottom as they liked to dig. I'd like to remove it as it would let them get the grass much easier and i am worried about my feed. I'm in and out most of the day, so don't bring them in if i have to go out. Would they dig and try and escape?

Thank you
Hi, My old piggies never digged when they were in the run and i haven't seen a piggie dig. hopefully someone can help you soon. xx
I've never heard of it either, I don't see why they would, like Claire W said, I don't think it's instinctive 'cus they live in caves and stuff in the wild.
You do have to be carefull that you put the run on level ground though and cover up any gaps, 'cus they like to go on adventures! ;D
No, guins won't dig out of a run, just make sure it's on flat ground so they can't sneak under ;D You should definately remove the wire as it can hurt their little tootsies :)
Just as I suspected. I'll remove the wire and heed the flat ground warning. Thank you all
mine havent yet - but i wouldnt put anoything past my 4 boys

my oscor has started biting the wood becouse he thinks he will be able to get in to the girls one
i did have a rabbit what dug a rather big whole once had to put a a very big brick over the whole
Remove the wire please, it'll hurt their feet.
You can secure the run with tent pegs, so no-one can upturn the pen. (That is if you got over friendly neighbourhood cats ;))
Just make sure the ground is flat so they can't sneak under....they like doing that.

Boys tend to dig only if they can smell and see girls nearby.
Mine have never started to dig in their non-moveable runs. I don't think its in their nature - unlike rabbits.

However I have wire under the runs with an inch of turf on top to stop stoats, weasels, ferrets, rats, mice, Jack Russel dogs and cats from digging underneath. I live near open countryside where there are these little wild animals around and they may wonder into my garden. If you have a moveable run and you keep your piggies in a locked hutch at night there is no need for wire underneath.

Needless to say my seven sows and mum have eaten all the grass so its just brown turf now.

Anders :)
mine have never dug a hole either, but then where theres grass or food mine wouldny bother to escape they only think about their tubby tummies. ;D
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