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Now i get why boars do the rumbling and strutting to impress the ladies but why do sows do it?
She used to just do it when i stroked her but she does it alot now when she is in her cage with her female friend.
Could anyone enlighten me?
Is it because she is happy?
Is she maybe asserting herself as the dominant sow?

I'm sorry I dont really know
sometimes my girls do the same as in flirting and being dominant. Doesn't seem to cause any problems :)
I read that when guinea pigs rumbble when something happens that they do not like. My Spaz does it all the time. When something falls or makes a noise he does not like he will just rumbble. I think it's cute! ;D
they use a rumble for all different situations mainly for things they dont like like another pig or as said a noise something or some one they are not sure of, like a what was that what are you doing or who are you in human terms, occasionally mine do a lighter rumble when being stroked ,
She does it when i stroke her but she also does it for no reason. Maybe she is doing it to her cage mate? Does that mean she is being nasty? Her cage mate does make some little squeaks now and then.
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